Railway13mo ago

Can't Payment

Please Help i have unpaid bill and want to pay it but i dont know why my 3 cards declined . i tried contact my bank and they said my card is normal can payment but why still doens't work on railway , on the billing page still got my card declined I have emailed to billing@railway.app . the answer redirects to discord . Please help
8 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: 8f03dd0a-af49-4544-9da6-2ad62a07b83a
pakar3313mo ago
project id : 8f03dd0a-af49-4544-9da6-2ad62a07b83a Please team railway , i need your support . I'm confused about how to solve this
Faraz13mo ago
Could you try now?
.milhamramadhan13mo ago
just some result like yesterday .. credit card decline
Faraz13mo ago
Umm, aren't you a different person? lol
.milhamramadhan13mo ago
im part of team member
pakar3313mo ago
I asked on email and always got a reply like this
Ray13mo ago
Please send it to billing@railway.app Have you sent us an email? What's your team name?