Adding Vuetify 3 to a Nuxt 3 project
I am trying to add Vuetify 3 to my project using this guide Guide, but on the Configure Nuxt 3 to use our new plugin and Integrate Vuetify's mdi icons step its failing with this. How should i resolve it ? I looked at the nuxt 3 config page and it seems to have a "css item", so ive got no idea
25 Replies
This is my entire nuxt.config.ts now
I don't know how trustworthy that blog post is. I have seen a few people try the
method but it's never mentioned in the vuetify docs so I wouldn't recommend it.
My formula has been to copy the code from here:
into a ~/plugins/vuetify.ts file.
you would need to adjust it (added labs in this example):
since you're using ssr, you need to also:
1. add ssr: true
to the createVuetify call above.
2. add to nuxt config:
for your vitest.config.ts file, you will also need:
vitests.config.ts ? I aint got that from what i can tell, should i create that ?
sorry vitest.config.ts
The same with vitest
Despite all the errors, it seems to work lol
At least the default nav drawer is showing up as its supposed to
you can ignore if you aren't using vitest
can't find vuetify module? not sure about that
yeah idk, i just changed the extension to .js and continuted. Everything works now, even tho the layouts are kind of weird. I put the navigation bar in a default.vue layout, defined that as a layout for my index page and the text on that page is going "below" the layout
That didnt happen on Nuxt 2
did you wrap with
<v-app><v-main /></v-app>
for example your app.vue could look like:
Oh, no..
Will try that
you wouldnt need layouts if you did that. it would just read the pages/* files
Yea but wouldnt that mean i will have to "include" the navbar in every page seperately ? Feels kind of non-practical
you could put it above the nuxt page
see above
You could also wrap the nuxtpage on the the app.vue with nuxt layout and put your things there, right?
you could use nuxtlayout, and in the layout itself use <slot /> instead of nuxtpage
Another thing i havent quite grasped yet is, in Nuxt 2 for example, id grab my data in the mounted or created methods(?), how do i do it before the actual page load in Nuxt 3 ? Previously i was grabbing the data from my express api, but im guessing theres no need to create a seperate API in this case is there ? i can just use the built in server
Just that ?
Time to look at tutorials ig
Unknown User•2y ago
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the nuxt 3 docs don't mention vuetify @Mufc0726
Unknown User•2y ago
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Thats a module
Unknown User•2y ago
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