how do i set up e-mail support in my app if i just paid for pro plan?

I'll just get pro plan cause i need set up an e-mail feature in my app, how i set up that (smtp protocol)?
16 Replies
Percy13mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Brody13mo ago
you can send emails from code with something like nodemailer
.nick615413mo ago
i'm using java-spring, is there a way to set up with this?, a while ago i tried with smtp from office365 but railway block it.
Brody13mo ago
are you trying to run a mail server on railway, or are you trying to send emails from code?
.nick615413mo ago
i'm trying to send emails from code
Brody13mo ago
then railway wouldn't be blocking that, I've seen other people have success sending emails look for a java package that lets you send emails
.nick615413mo ago
i was using this: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-mail</artifactId> </dependency> and this configuration: spring.mail.port=587 spring.mail.password=password but in the logs tell me that railway don't recognized that mail to send emails
Brody13mo ago
Hotmail may be even blocking your login attempt, railway isn't blocking you sorry this wouldn't be a railway issue, you will have to dig into this problem
.nick615413mo ago
thanks for help, if i switch to hobby plan, send mails from code have to works right?
Brody13mo ago
no, railway is not blocking you from sending emails based on your plan type they do not block or filter any outgoing traffic
.nick615413mo ago
thanks again, if i done the pay today can i get a refund or better swtich to another plan for the next billing?
Brody13mo ago
this is community support, if you feel you are entitled to a refund you would have to email railway directly for that request
Adam13mo ago
Since you’re a pro plan user, email to get help from the team
Brody13mo ago
I don't think they aren't pro or hobby yet?
eirk13mo ago
i think they understood as "get pro plan to send emails with ur app" instead of "get pro plan to email team for support requests"
Adam13mo ago
Ahhh yeah. That makes sense