Error when trying to generate a migration schema
anyone any ideas to what the problem is? It was working fine yesterday and now it throws an error when I am trying to generate a migration file. I was updating the relationships/adding a new table and when I tried generate a migration file, this error appeared
this is the script i'm running
"generate": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development drizzle-kit generate:pg --config=drizzle.config.ts",
Reading config file '/munchies/server/drizzle.config.ts'
Error: Transform failed with 1 error:
errors: [
detail: undefined,
id: '',
location: [Object],
notes: [],
pluginName: '',
text: 'Transforming JavaScript decorators to the configured target environment ("es2021") is not supported yet'
warnings: []
}4 Replies
Hey there, did you ever solve this? I'm running into the same problem.
There was something wrong with that version of drizzle if I’m not mistaken
It happened a bit ago, but I think that’s what was wrong with the version of drizzle-kit
gotcha thanks for the response
I’m not 100% sure if that was the cause of it, but I know it magically started working again once I updated the package for drizzle-kit