Controllers/Hands disappear using Quest 2 Link on PC

anytime i take the headset off for a second, even if i pause in the oculus menu first, even if i tap the power button to make the headset sleep and turn it back on immediately, the controllers disappear and i have to force quit and restart the app🥲
16 Replies
davidbk•14mo ago
@Shawn.Chiki @andybak I am finding the same thing on my end. It makes using scripts impossible because every time I take off the headset to run the script in the browser, the controllers disappear and I can't retrieve them by pressing any number of button combinations or resetting the view. I guess one could put a piece of sticky tape over the sensor to trick it into thinking that you're still wearing it. The only workaround I have found with Quest 2 and Link has been to run OpenBrush through Steam VR. Not ideal since it's yet another layer of software that requires loading.
andybak•14mo ago
Oversimplifying but from our point of view it's a bit like "we could spend an indeterminate amount of time tracking down a tricky platform specific bug, or people could just use the OpenXR version that works fine" Not to say that we wouldn't love to get it fixed but the fact that there is a workaround means it's lower down our list of priorities than other stuff.
davidbk•14mo ago
@andybak ok this makes sense. When you say OpenXR version, what do you mean? Are you talking about the APK listed in the latest release on Git Hub (OpenBrush_OpenXR_2.3.133.apk)? Does APK mean it’s for standalone Quest only? Is there also an OpenXR version for Desktop? How are the releases on Git Hub different from what’s available on Steam or Oculus store? Sorry if that’s too many questions, haha.
andybak•14mo ago
Sorry - by "OpenXR version" I meant the non-Oculus specific PC version which is labelled "SteamVR" in most places
roland vasiliu
roland vasiliu•10mo ago
I have the same problem. Every time i take off the headset, the controllers disapper in Open Brush. Just there. And this problem is also on every new headset. I tested 12 headsets and it is the same problem. Do you have any solutions? It is almost impossible to work in OpenBrush because you get stuck every time wen you move the headset away...
andybak•10mo ago
Steam or Meta Store version? Whatever the answer - try the other one! I think Steam is fine. That's what I always use. However - I just tried the Oculus Store version and I can't really reproduce the problem. I'm really curious what's different with my setup and other people's. I rather suspect there's something else going on. If it was a universal issue, then surely we'd have a ton of negative reviews on the Meta Store. The question is what is different.
roland vasiliu
roland vasiliu•10mo ago
Meta Store version. I will try but in our Lab we use the Meta version because we use a single account on all the headsets. With Steam always we had conflicts with software from Meta store...
andybak•10mo ago
@roland vasiliu @davidbk @Shawn.Chiki - if you're still having this issue, we need some help reproducing it. So far it hasn't happened on our side - and without that, we're stuck on progressing. I wonder if I've changed a setting on my end related to sleep modes - but I can't think what it might be.
mikesky•10mo ago
@roland vasiliu to clarify, is this the AirLink/Tethered version or the fully standalone quest version? the original issue here was openede for AirLink/Tethered
roland vasiliu
roland vasiliu•9mo ago
No, the problem appears every time we work in Openbrush with link cable connected on windows.
mikesky•9mo ago
Thanks for confirming! That isn't your one star review in the quest standalone store then is it, complaining about this bug? gotta ask, similar name 😅
roland vasiliu
roland vasiliu•9mo ago
Yes indeed. It is my review It is a big problem
mikesky•9mo ago
While that may be for you, We got the review removed because it’s for the desktop version, not the quest version. It is a completely different input and state tracking system, you might as well be reviewing half life Alyx 😅 if you want to leave a review for the desktop version, please feel free to do so on steam or viveport or the rift store, anything else is an unfair reflection of the state of the quest version
andybak•9mo ago
Also - a one star review is not how you get us to fix something more quickly. We work on this mostly for free and we rely on users to help us identify and narrow down issues. Nobody who has reported the issue so far has engaged with us in any useful form. It takes time and a two-way dialogue. A bad review doesn't tend to increase my motivation to spend my free time helping someone. Rather the opposite.
mikesky•9mo ago
And for every time we’ve fixed something in someone’s negative review, they never remember or are motivated to go back and change the review to be more positive, sadly

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