Railway14mo ago

Postgres connection issue in production environment, can connect manually

django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at "containers-****.railway.app" (IP), port 6815 failed: Connection timed out
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
django.db.utils.OperationalError: connection to server at "containers-****.railway.app" (IP), port 6815 failed: Connection timed out
Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
My staging app is running just fine, but my production enviroment can't connect to its postgres. I am able to log into the postres with railway shell; python manage.py dbshell. I've rebooted the DB a couple times and reset the credentials and redployed. I'm not sure how to proceed besides tearing down the whole DB, which seems like a painful last resort.
6 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: 2398d6c4-d1ce-4101-8ffd-3f45216b211c
Ryan!14mo ago
project 2398d6c4-d1ce-4101-8ffd-3f45216b211c
Brody14mo ago
team will be looking into this
Ryan!14mo ago
Thanks @Brody Checking back in on this
Ray14mo ago
Are you still having this issue? Your db looks alive and I'm able to ping it oh sorry, I was looking at the wrong env 🤦‍♂️ This was caused by https://railway.instatus.com/clik6k1hk294312awn8v8rox7a1. It should be fixed now, try again?
Ryan!14mo ago
Aha, it was network related. That was my hunch since it worked locally, in staging and I could connect to the db manually. It's back after restarting the app. I guess the N retries exhausted quickly and it needed a manual restart. It's back now. Thanks for the help. I appreciate you looking into it.
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