my code is still running even tho the deploy is stopped

34 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: N/A
dagarlahari14mo ago
N/A and my hours r getting used up too
Brody14mo ago
do you have a database running?
dagarlahari14mo ago
i dont hv a db lol
Adam14mo ago
You posted a code question right after this, if you have any services running on Railway your hours will be used up. Your other post implies that you still have something running
dagarlahari14mo ago
i mean i hv ntg on rn but still hours r getting used up
Brody14mo ago
it doesn't matter if you use the service or not, as long as you have a running deployment or database, hours will deplete
Adam14mo ago
please send screenshots of your projects page + the services page inside them
dagarlahari14mo ago
one sec
dagarlahari14mo ago
dagarlahari14mo ago
dagarlahari14mo ago
i had 443 2 hrs ago and all my projects r down from past 2 hrs and ntg is deployed yet the code is still running
Adam14mo ago
Is that your only project? Try removing the failed deployment (3 dot menu --> remove deployment)
dagarlahari14mo ago
i hv like even deleted all my projects and re added them the issue is still not fixed when i got back from school i had 430 now i am running a code tho
Adam14mo ago
Failed deployments still consume hours. You had a failed deployment active Your hours went down because you didn't remove it
dagarlahari14mo ago
i aborted the deployment in mid aand the code still wont stop its happening again
Brody14mo ago
we would appreciate if you could use full words
dagarlahari14mo ago
i deleted my entire project but the code is still running how can i solve this issue of mine?
Brody14mo ago
I mean you can upgrade to the dev plan so you won't have to worry about hours
Adam14mo ago
or we could get you help from the team there’s a phantom deployment here
Brody14mo ago
you think they have a phantom container running?
Adam14mo ago
yeah probably
Percy14mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
Adam14mo ago
worth checking out @quit. if you can, please get the id of the project you deleted
Ray14mo ago
Will see what I can do here! @quit. if this is a phantom container I'll compensate you with credits, don't worry bout usage running out can you elaborate on why you think the code is still running? you deleted the project on 2023-05-25 01:28:45.061 UTC and you're not incurring any usage cost for that since deletion
dagarlahari14mo ago
i dont hv it sorry cuz its spamming my webhook lol alr thanks for your help the bots r still online tho also mayik what exactly is a phantom deployment/container
Brody14mo ago
its a term we use to describe a deployment that is still running on your account but does not show up in any projects or services
dagarlahari14mo ago
ohh i see
Brody14mo ago
are you sure you arent running this code elsewhere? because it didn't seem like rc found any phantom containers
dagarlahari14mo ago
nope i hv a laptop and it was off nowhere else it was running also i think i found the problem if in middle of initialization if i abort it the code still runs thts what happened ig i just checked with myself if i had tht code running on my laptop or any other vps unfortunately i dont
Brody14mo ago
I have not been able to confirm this behaviour myself. if cancelled during the build stage, the build will finish, but the code was not ran but that does not mean it's not possible for a phantom container to exist, so please just wait until the team finds it and wacks it
dagarlahari14mo ago
oh alright i'll just wait
Ray14mo ago
(bumping this on internal queue) I don't see anything running.. Is this still happening @quit.? Sorry for the delay here btw
dagarlahari14mo ago
nah it's not rn thank you for your time anyways