I have a dockerfile, Can someone help me deploy it?
If this isn't the right place lmk, I have never used docker and want to deploy this service.
25 Replies
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If your dockerfile is named Dockerfile, it should be automatically deployed.
can you take a look
it is lowercase btw
when I named it
Also if you happen to respnd
@Protonz709 🤔 me so I know you texted
uppercase D is needed
I see
I will get back to you
also, if you want to tell, why do you use a dockerfile?
was nixpacks not sufficient?
I want a way to deply this
deploy this
but I usually code in JS
two differnt links btw
I can take care of front end I think
but back end
it seems like owncast needs disk storage, railway does not have persistent disk storage yet, at the moment it wouldn't be possible to host that on railway
thanks for your help.
id if I have to close ticket or what but you can do it if you want.
Thanks for your help!
it's already marked as solved
Persistent storage should be coming really really soon, though!
how soon are we talking?
soon ™️
Wait so what is persistent storage, and will it solve this "problem"
idk if its a problem or not anymore
persistent storage is disks that don't get deleted when you redeploy
I see
Okay cool