how can i add extra text to modal, which is a link, and a text like a note in filament import?
how can i add extra text to modal, which is a link, and a text like a note in filament import?

14 Replies
What about Placeholder for the form?
or just a View::make()
sorry for late information..
I'm using Konnco\FilamentImport,
and i want to add those text above, in import modal..

i am using this pack and have this error Could not find zip member zip:///
Ask in the Konnco Chanel
Have you got Zip installed?
Cool, Have you linked your storage so it uploads to the disk you nave specificed?
Yes, I already asked
I'm doing tests I had it in s3
It's sounding like it couldn't find the file which would indicate something has failed in the connection
Now I'm going to check with everything in local public to see
test public y same error
Did the file get uploaded?
I see an empty one in the folder that generates the error
Is there enough disk space?
I was able to solve the problem
It was a mixture of many things:
does not work with s3
I got an error with TrustProxies "https fails signature verification"
so use livewire local and storage s3