First Rat Rig - Possible damage to bed, need help

500mm enclosed build. Spent the day squaring the frame. There was some damage to the build plate during shipping so I'm not sure if its flat or not. In order to get this mesh I needed to add a 2mm gap between the right side of the electronics panel and the y gantry, the height from the bottom extrusion to the top of the y gantry is now 2mm longer on the right side. I think I might just be compensating for a bent build plate by taking the frame out of square though. I'm planning to check pretty much every frame measurement for squareness, but I have a feeling I'm going to end up disassembling the whole thing if I do that. Any advice would be appreciated!
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sherbs2y ago
. 205 range on a 500 bed is outstanding! Don't touch it and move on to the next step I think a bent bed would look much worse and some gaps in the frame aren't much to be concerned about at this point...

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