Pinia module
i'm new to pinia and idk if the @pinia/nuxt modules should be added as a devDep or as a dep the doc not clear about that
6 Replies
Either works - just your preference. Most tend to add it as devDependency, but if you prefer and have some safety, its fine as normal dependency as well
Thank you so much
Unknown User•2y ago
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It makes no difference - I would say it's like a placebo / safeguard to the developer as deps get installed while devDeps don't depending on certain contexts. Many times though both get installed anyway by default with "npm/yarn/pnpm install", while you may not need either and just the .nuxt/output
This thread could give some answers
Stack Overflow
Vuejs & npm - Should all dependencies be devDependencies?
I am building a plugin component for Vue.js. Using a standard webpack configuration with vue-loader etc.
In a simple library I put modules that I expect to 'require' inside my dependencies in pac...
Nice thread thank you