Railwayβ€’15mo ago

need help setting up initial project: multiple db/projects or single and subdomains

Hi everyone. I need some advice: My future webapp on railway will have the domain mywebsite.com and will make little queries to database mydatabase.sql (10-100 a day) and it will have two buttons to redirect to two subdomains hello1.mywebsite.com and hello2.mywebsite.com. Each subdmain will have quite of activity with sockets and making queries (from 100 to 500 every hour aprox) My question are 1) How would you set it up? multiple projects or a single one with everything inside? 2) with multiple db or a single one for the domain and 2 subdomains? 3) for subdomains, which company gives less problems setting up on railway? godaddy, etc.. Thanks in advance
14 Replies
Percyβ€’15mo ago
Project ID: a861a51a-f8f9-4ecd-b912-794c07a9ae09
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
rootβ€’15mo ago
0. I hope you're not actually planning on using SQLite, as SQLite doesn't really work on Railway. 1. I'd recommend doing it as one project, with one database (although I haven't really done anything big on Railway, so somebody else should please correct me if I'm wrong) 2. I'd recommend one postgres database. 3. Do not use GoDaddy. From what I've heard, Cloudflare is the least painful way to use custom domains with Railway.
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
Thanks a lot for the fast answer aleks πŸ™Œ 1. Ok 2. Yes, I use MySQL on the development environment. did some test and working fine on railway as production. 3. Ok great. I will check it. Thanks 🍻
Brodyβ€’15mo ago
arrays start at 0 😠
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
@aleks sorry me again. about answer 3. about your recomendation, do you mean buying the domain on Cloudflare or buy the domain, for example on namecheap, and set it up on Cloudflare? I need creating emails also so dont know what is the best option.
rootβ€’15mo ago
I do not know, sorry - I've never done it myself, I just remember that other people have been told to use Claudflare.
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
Ok. no prob. thanks for your time 🍻
rootβ€’15mo ago
no problem!
ThallesComHβ€’15mo ago
If you can buy it on Cloudflare would be a plus Mine is on Cloudflare, never had any problems, plus the security
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
@ThallesComH Thanks for answering 🍻 I will need email also in the future. does it also provide it?
ThallesComHβ€’15mo ago
Cloudflare provides routing email to your gmail or something in my case where i needed to send emails, i used send in blue + gmail configured once and i've been using since 2019
d0x1234β€’15mo ago
Ok. I will check it out. It's because I saw that namecheap provides email and cloudfare if it used cpanel, would maybe also provide it for the custom domain
ThallesComHβ€’15mo ago
if you want to send messages through your application, you might want to use sendgrid or Send In Blue but Send In Bue's SDK is awful if you don't care about using another domain to send emails, go with namecheap and their email thing and put your domain in cloudflare