C#16mo ago

❔ is it possible to create a small GUI app in C# with visual studio code?cuz all the vids im finding

is it possible to create a small GUI app in C# with visual studio code? cuz all the vids im finding about this are with visual studio , not visual studio code
27 Replies
Jimmacle16mo ago
VS code isn't an IDE, you're better off using visual studio/rider/etc if you're doing anything remotely complex
Cumet16mo ago
Which one would u reccomend me to use
Jimmacle16mo ago
visual studio is a good starting point, it's free
Cumet16mo ago
It's gonna be a small app using an excel file as a database Ight thanks
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
Communicating with excel will add a level of complexity that might not be necessary I’d consider excel to be an output of a process rather than a data store
Cumet16mo ago
U reccomend anything else? It's for a college project, our professor suggested excel But I'm open to use anything else if there's a better alternative
Playboi1716mo ago
SQL server using EF Core Is pretty much the go to for any dotnet developer There’s also MongoDb for non-relational, but… ehhh, I don’t like it
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
Cumet16mo ago
I have used mongodb befote Before Might just use it again since ik how it works
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
What is the goal of the college project?
Cumet16mo ago
💀 It's about Birds Idk everything about it yet but imma start earlier than we should
Jimmacle16mo ago
i second sqlite, it's the simplest to use
Cumet16mo ago
So far I'm tryna work on a register+sign in Form Ight might just learn about it then
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
Nothing but nuget to install as well
Jimmacle16mo ago
(sqlite is a database that exists as a single file and doesn't require running a database server)
Cumet16mo ago
Oh that sounds good No server is really easier Thanks guys I'll start learning about it
Pixel16mo ago
man im glad i found out about this post, this surely will be better then my janky solution for the database issue im having, i will definitely check that out
Playboi1716mo ago
Local dbs with EF Core are the same thing, and much easier to use and more well documented imo Sqlite can be used with EF though
Pixel16mo ago
what library should i use?
Jimmacle16mo ago
i don't know about much easier to use, sqlite is literally just putting the file name in the connection string if you go with EF Core it abstracts a lot of the provider specific details away anyway
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
Meh the hardest thing about SQLite is connection string
Cumet16mo ago
any1 know where i can watch a tutorial or something youtube is not helping full of useless random shit 😭
Angius16mo ago
Tutorial about what, exactly?
Cumet16mo ago
making a register/login form in C# and sqlite
Mayor McCheese
Mayor McCheese16mo ago
SQLite is generally ANSI sql; basic crud queries work fine I’d pick the direction your most comfortable in for now; start at the backend and move outward to the front end or the opposite
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