Railway up errors with 413 payload too large with project size is 34,1 MB on disk

According to the docs, the railway up command will fail for projects over 50MB, but my project size only 34.1 MB I cannot do railway up because of this
12 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: f82dcf1c-bfe2-42f9-a2b6-0a4044fd8e42
ersaptaaristo16mo ago
f82dcf1c-bfe2-42f9-a2b6-0a4044fd8e42 after update my railway-cli got this message Error: HTTP status client error (413 Payload Too Large) for url (https://backboard.railway.app/project/f82dcf1c-bfe2-42f9-a2b6-0a4044fd8e42/environment/xxxxxxxx/up?serviceId=xxxxxxxxxxxx) my .gitignore file
Brody16mo ago
your project must be over 50mb, or they lowered the limit
Percy16mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
ersaptaaristo16mo ago
After do the checking. Seems like the connect project should be direct to the project, The issued is closed now
Ray16mo ago
Glad you fixed it! 😄 do you mind explaining what the issue was and what you did? I’m not sure what “connect project” means here
ersaptaaristo16mo ago
I am sorry for the explanation. at first we need to do railway connect <project id> and I do that on root of apps, which is containing multiple project. when I do railway up on one of my project, error 413 happens, after that I tried to do railway connect on project that I want to deploy, then I do railway up everything is fine
Ray16mo ago
that makes sense, thank you for clarifying!
colinsonfire15mo ago
Hey @ersaptaa Im facing the same issue when running railway up. I then try railway connect 0ee68194-4729-4be6-abc5-38998747b9d5 and it returns Error: Plugin not found!
ersaptaaristo15mo ago
I believe that's different error, are you sure the railway installed properly? Maybe you can check railway help to see, is connect command still exist
colinsonfire15mo ago
Actually adjusting the gitignore as suggested from this thread seemed to have worked https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1090699516493172908/1090699516493172908