inconsistent and unreliable bed mesh need help please

Well I have tried the super pinda, beacon probe, and now a Euclid probe and cannot get this machine to be consistent with the first layer. I have four other machines, three of which are reprap using Euclid, voron tap, and BL touch. They are all consistent no matter the bed plate or material. For any of my experts out there please help as this is extremely frustrating. Please also let me know what you need to see from me to help.
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15 Replies
rgomez2003OP•2y ago
I have to constantly change the z offset by about .12 for each print and the printer does not seem to follow the mesh either.
someaction•2y ago
+1 . exactly the same problem here
thepete89•2y ago
check if the connectors of your z-leadscrews to the motors are tight - and by tight i mean as tight as it gets without breaking the screws. those need to clamp the leadscrews as hard as possible, or you will get slippage and that causes your z-offset to drift. also if you have printed your bed arms from asa/abs or any other warpprone material: check if you don't have a slight warp in them, especially to the front where the pins are that the bed rests on. i had these two problems in the beginning, and that caused these exact symptoms. also maybe check your frame, 0.4 mm deviation seems a bit too much even for a 400
rgomez2003OP•2y ago
Thank you for the recommendation I will check all that you specified and report back
someaction•2y ago
i just mounted new bed arms printed yesturday. and tightend everyting on the machine, yet no difference
thepete89•2y ago
ok strange... do you have a 3.1? with the oldham couplers and so on? did you check your leadscrews if those are bend? those two things are the last options what it could be. and - what probe do you use? maybe your probe has a problem?
someaction•2y ago
yes its 3.1. leadscrews are straight. im using superpinda
thepete89•2y ago
and PROBE_ACCURACY says it's accurate enough and not defective?
someaction•2y ago
probe_accuracy says standard deviation 0.002078
thepete89•2y ago
hm ok so that looks fine... don't know where to look next
someaction•2y ago
same here 😆
sensitive-blue•2y ago
I ran into this issue on my 500, and it appears to be MASSIVE gantry/bed sag. To the point where I might get a good first layer on small/medium prints but on large prints it would start off good on the first layer and then get worse. I was having to constantly jog the z offset to get it to print properly. I noticed that even if I heat soaked the printer for like 1.5 hours I would get the problem, even though it would be a little less. Setting up z_thermal_offset helped, but so far my testing is that FDC has helped a lot.
someaction•2y ago
tell me more please. i wanna try it aswell
sensitive-blue•2y ago
GitHub - JiMcNulty/FDC: non-linear frame deformation calibration an...
non-linear frame deformation calibration and compensation 2.0 - GitHub - JiMcNulty/FDC: non-linear frame deformation calibration and compensation 2.0
rwoculus•2y ago
I have the exact dame issue. Every time i reprint my Z is off by .07

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