Unable to aend POST request

Hey i am trying to send a POST request to an external API from my flask application in the UI i am getting this error. Application error: a client side exception had occurred. When i check the logs i am getting this error
[2023-03-23 06:07:35 +0000] [1] [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:37)
[2023-03-23 06:07:36 +0000] [1] [WARNING] Worker with pid 37 was terminated due to signal 9
[2023-03-23 06:07:36 +0000] [39] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 39
[2023-03-23 06:07:35 +0000] [1] [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:37)
[2023-03-23 06:07:36 +0000] [1] [WARNING] Worker with pid 37 was terminated due to signal 9
[2023-03-23 06:07:36 +0000] [39] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 39
Thanks in advance
7 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: N/A
Percy16mo ago
Someone else had this exact same issue earlier, could I take a look at your repo? Pretty good looking code imo, nothing stands out to me. If you wanted to provide me with a minimal reproducible example id be happy to debug it. Are you sure you're requesting with the HTTPS scheme?
⚠️ experimental feature
みなと16mo ago
Ray16mo ago
terminated due to signal 9
This is usually due to running out of memory or compute taking too long. Tweaking the gunicorn's worker count might help if it's a compute issue. Do you know how much RAM your app is using, and are you doing any computationally-intensive tasks?
Brody16mo ago
you can add the flag --timeout 0 to disable timeouts, but you should really fix the underlying slow code tbh
みなと16mo ago
It's nothing actually i am sending some files to an external API. It works fine in my local machine but here it is giving the above error. Actually it was working fine until yesterday. Right i will look into it. Thanks 👍 Also there is another thing i wanted to ask when using in my laptop this POST request was not going through. When I tried to access the website from my mobile it was unable to access my website. So this got me thinking if the website is working only with a blocking single thread. How do i increase my thread count and make it asynchronous in railway