Edit page Load'ing
I have edit page witch renders 60 edit fields (repeaters with markdown editors).
Time to load that page takes 5 seconds (All this time screen in blank)
If I switch to Wizard layout and group 60 fields to 6x10, will it load more quicker?
From DB select is simple: grab 60 records by primary key, there is no issue with db.
Slow response is on URL: POST http://localhost/livewire/message/app.filament.resources.classroom.question-resource.pages.edit-question
14 Replies
Do you use debugbar ?
can you try to disable debugbar and check your load time. I had a same problem with barryvdh debugbar.
I uninstalled itsgoingd/clockwork and php artisan optimize:clear nothing changed
5seconds seems a tag long after initial load. I get 200+ fields in around 2seconds, Look at what's taking so long
There is also Filepond File upload field on every field, Removed, nothing changed..
php artisan icons:cache doesnt help..
Maybe with filament:shield permissions it's slow?
it's take 60 models to load and also 60 permissions
I'm loading 100+ models
What's the debug bar say is causing the issue?
Are you on a linux/Mac engine?
Linux docker sail or native php8.2-fpm with nginx, opcache, tried everything

Damn that's slow, look at the functions, enable debug bar and review the timeline. You can also profile from xdebug and review there.
I guess the filame:shield is the culprit, I may be wrong. But my time to load is also about 3-5 seconds with just 100 fields. It slows down since I installed filament:shield
I will try to rewrite EditPage with simpler layout to load it little bit faster. The issue is File Upload (Filepond) plugin, lots of Sections, Fieldsets and repeaters.