V-Core 500, To Sag or Not To Sag?
Shown are two bed meshes from 2 V-core 500's i am working on work. They both have the same issue. What appears and what has been suggested as "sagging" which @helgekeck says is unlikely, and I believe him. Given these beds were shipped at different times i am not inclined to believe they were both damaged in the same way. I have tensioned belts evenly, redone the rails so that are equal distant and painstakingly made sure the frames are as close to right angles as possible.
I watched through the square frame video again and none of the examples seem to be the same as mine. any pointers from anyone who has seen this? i am happy to give the frames some taps with the mallet but i am not sure which corners. Thanks in advance.
13 Replies
So what's the issue with your mesh? Granted no real values shown...guessing those are in the 0.15 range deviation? That is GREAT for a VC500 bed!
oh yeah sorry the range is +/- 0.25, so the low corners are arond - 0.185. I am wondering if there is a solution that does not involv filling the bed with tape. I have heard some people say there should not be sag in the plate and others say its a thing so i keep coming back trying to solve this issue. Ive worked with a lot of printers and this one has above all been giving me the most issues
My VC500 sags. As usual. I went over board
somewhere I have vid...showing the light under a ruler disappearing as I screw in one of those center screws to level the bed
i see what youve done there and i commend the effort... something like that would be last resort i feel, i can get the carbon cut in house and print those end parts in CF Nylon as getting parts machined for a problem like this is rather out of the question for now... how has the solution played out? id be pretty interested to concept the solution out further. also how is it that @helgekeck does not have a sagging issue when so many others do?
i can do the tape method again if need be but i am pretty frustrated at paying so much for a precision machined plate that is not flat on its own, why bother?
Again, since you did not include 'numerical' info as to the actual deviation (my 'color based guess' was .185) by spec for a MIC-6 plate, you are well within spec for 6mm ground plate. (.381mm variation)
perhaps i am being too much of a perfectionist, its known to be the case for me. I just cant help chasing the high of seeing a field of green. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with a few pieces of tape
You're considering now conceding tape.... me it was designing and building CF and aluminum parts. we all have our 'extremes' he he
I definitely think you’re onto something cool there, i will send a picture of the plate holder for my CubePro, its a beast, and i haven’t had to bed level the thing in over 6 months
am familiar with the 3D systems 'cube' line. Majority all metal internals... cast bed arm on most of them. I mod'ed my Flashforge along those lines. I don't remember the last time I bed leveled or trammed that printer. Just stick in a SD card and print ....guessing a year + ? (> 100 prints)
Im thinking i should try giving one of the corners a tap, that rear corner is down by .5 which is on par with the square frame video. Whic corner would be right? Corner B?

can only guess (axis' not marked) that RED is X and GREEN is Y.... so yes... B would be right front. It looks like A/B are pretty level
D would normally come up if you lowered B. but then B would no longer be level with A. A few layers of Kapton tape on the bed under the print surface would be easier to adjust. Perhaps THIS is why that machine was tossed.
What do you mean by tossed? a V-core 500? I filled the bed with tape, its far from ideal but i could see that the bed is in fact warped, so maybe in the future i will look into your truss design
d down
or abc up
i always suggest to level the two rear corners first, to make them even, then the two front corners, then the level between the front and the back
makes it much easier to level