Save default input value in DDBB

Hi I have a form that is stored as json in de DDBB. The problem is with the default value of a select component. The select have 3 values (To do, In progress, Done), and the To do value is set as default. When i save the form with other two values selected, the select value are stored correctly in the ddbb, but when the default value is selected, it doesn't appear. I need to save the default value because when I search on the json with a Query, i need to give it.
11 Replies
jals65OP2y ago
Hi, do you know how to do it?
tesse052y ago
can yo show the code? sounds weird
jals65OP2y ago
the select:
$this->options = [ 'to_do' => 'To Do', 'in_progress' => 'In Progress', 'awaiting_block' => 'Awaiting/Block', 'done' => 'Done', ] The problem is when I create or edit an entity by the form, in the $data of mutateFormDataBeforeSave() doesn't appear the select data if default value is selected. and the same in the mutateFormDataBeforeCreate If is not the default value, for example i select Done, it appears correctly
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
are you on the create or edit page
jals65OP2y ago
In the 2
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
defaults are only filled on create
jals65OP2y ago
No, i debug in the create, and doesn't appear
jals65OP2y ago
as you can see, only appear in_progress. There are 2 more selects with default value to_do and it doesn't appear
jals65OP2y ago
As you can see here, when I select one of three others values, all appear correctly, but when I select the default value, it doesn't appear
jals65OP2y ago
I have this function to check if the select have value. If i don't have value, there is any way to set the value on the state? Anythink like setState()
jals65OP2y ago

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