Save default input value in DDBB
Hi I have a form that is stored as json in de DDBB.
The problem is with the default value of a select component. The select have 3 values (To do, In progress, Done), and the To do value is set as default.
When i save the form with other two values selected, the select value are stored correctly in the ddbb, but when the default value is selected, it doesn't appear.
I need to save the default value because when I search on the json with a Query, i need to give it.
11 Replies
Hi, do you know how to do it?
can yo show the code? sounds weird
the select:
$this->options = [
'to_do' => 'To Do',
'in_progress' => 'In Progress',
'awaiting_block' => 'Awaiting/Block',
'done' => 'Done',
The problem is when I create or edit an entity by the form, in the
of mutateFormDataBeforeSave()
doesn't appear the select data if default value is selected.
and the same in the mutateFormDataBeforeCreate
If is not the default value, for example i select Done, it appears correctlyare you on the create or edit page
In the 2
defaults are only filled on create
No, i debug in the create, and doesn't appear
as you can see, only appear in_progress. There are 2 more selects with default value to_do and it doesn't appear

As you can see here, when I select one of three others values, all appear correctly, but when I select the default value, it doesn't appear

I have this function to check if the select have value. If i don't have value, there is any way to set the value on the state? Anythink like setState()
