Don't be fooled unsquaring your frame...

So after trying to adjust my frame to the bed I had to rise my front right corner insane 4mm up. Which caused stress on the back side of that extrusion and definitely things became not parallel.. although mesh improved from 0.7 to 0.255. But I didn't like that I had to rise a corner by 4 mm because I knew I assembled it straight and flat.. So I began to tear things apart. And like I thought after remeasuring everything my frame was kinda perfect ( leveled top and all posts straight) So I decided to measure the bed corners by putting it on a flat stone. ( I rotated it few times to make sure readings repeat on all references of stone to the bed) and here what I got. My bed indeed had a sagging corner by more than 1 mm. And all I did with that youtube technique (which is good) is bending my extrusions so they fit the curved bed. Just make sure to check your bed before you spend hours on your frame.. I will try to bend the bed and will update with mesh results. Cheers
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7 Replies
cloudy-cyanOP2y ago
After some work
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ptegler2y ago
agreed. The VC500 bed at just 6mm is too weak and flexs/droops under it's own weight. Even as well packed as RR did ship mine, mine is not flat either. I'm one of those oddities that easily goes overboard with fixes.... I'm now much better with a mesh, but not as nice as I believe it should/could be. The next step would have to be bite the bullet and flip for one of Mandala Roase Works 9mm bed plates
RatRig V-Core 3 500 Bed
The RatRig VCore 3 Bed from Mandala Rose works is now available. Our beds are made from 5083 Cast Tooling Plate and are 9mm thick. What does this mean to you? Our flattened beds are flat to 0.2mm (though they are typically closer to 0.1mm out of flat!) The flattening option for a bed this large is not cheap though. We
cloudy-cyanOP2y ago
I hope those long lead screws can hold that weight kekw
cloudy-cyanOP2y ago
Here is the mesh before and after hammering and bending it. It's not that pretty now but at least it's within acceptable tolerances. And those hammer signs becoming less visible as I heat it up. they appear to be on the magnetic sheet and not dented bed. It's 80c hot on the .265 mesh. I think I will stop here. And as I said I didn't touch a single extrusion and can be sure the frame is square and everything aligns with no gaps.
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drops2y ago
Dayummmmm I should check mine too then I have a 500 and could never get it right
ptegler2y ago
those magnetic sheets can cause all kinds of flatness issues if there is an air bubble under the magnet sheet. Even tiny bubbles will expand as the bed heats, lifting it here and there, creating an uneven mesh . Self test.... do a 7 x7 mesh.... and do a 20x20 (or denser) mesh. If all is well, they should both show the same deviation. bu the denser mesh will show more variations due to bubbles. a bed mesh directly on your magnetic sheet and see hoe flat it shows it to be (or not be)
cloudy-cyanOP2y ago
Yeah I payed attention to that. That meshes made directly on magnetic sheet. I even released bubbles with a needle and a gentle tap then heavy iron

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