Project ID: N/A
Does Railway support serving apps on IPv6? I'm mostly just curious.
17 Replies
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⚠️ experimental feature
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Ipv6 is for nerds
I do consider myself a nerd
I can't even remember the localhost ip, and this dude wants ipv6 or
ipv6 is just
afaik i don’t think we do, every time i’ve looked at x forwarded for headers it’s ipv4, even tho i have an ipv6, could just be a config/project specific thing
if you try
ping6 domain.up.railway.app
does it resolve?Nope! I guess that answers my question.
probably once internal networking drops it will be an ez addition
Uh, apparently we're all wrong
Sorry for necroing an old thread but I thought it better than creating another post with the same question. I'm just wondering if there's any update on supporting IPv6 from the public network?
Don’t believe so right now as it’s a pool of IPs across GCP depending on the region. The past two changelogs add a static IPv4 for outbound traffic on the Pro plan, but not sure if IPv6 is on the roadmap, and even if it is, don’t believe it’s a priority to get out anytime soon.
Wondering what your use case is for a static IPv6?
I have no particular need for it right now; I've been going through my web apps to ensure that they're IPv6 ready and wondered whether Railway accepts IPv6 connections.
can confirm making a public request to a service on railway from an ipv6 only network works just fine
Ah perfect, thanks!