33 Replies
have you tried reinstalling vanguard
i cant start valorant

i tried to restart my computer
i dont no i just need help
are u on windows 11?
Did you just update to Windows 11?
Assuming that you are running Windows 11, change your boot system that is default set to, "CSM", to the boot system, "UEFI". Its the more updated/modernized boot system and valorant requires it for windows 11. Just search up your motherboard company and how to change its boot setting to UEFI.
i am running windows 11
Why i cant play valo or lol right now
Try what I said above^^
ill troubleshoot it once i get back home
Okay bet. Let me know if it works. I was having the same problem and that fixed it.
before that i was trying to enable secure boot
or whatever it was called
Did it work?
it did
secure boot wasnt enabling
but then i found out
how to fix it
That's good.
and now i can carry in every valorant game
or what i call
using a classic the whole game and buying the whole teams weapons
i forget my riot user name and i normally sign in with apple but when i do it doesnt let me start valorant
and i tried to recover my acc but it says there is no acount with my email
and idk what to do
restarted my pc task manager nothing working
did this happen in windows eleven?
i already fixed it
every time i hear about this it’s in windows eleven
might be windows adjusting your bios settings
i dont know much about pc how do i change that if you dont mind helping
its something with windows security/firewall
i had this problem 4 months ago
you had to unblock somthing
and my friend was at my house and singed in on his account with his riot user name and it worked but still wont work for me
looks like you will have to restart your system
i cant start valorant it says i dont have secure boot/tpm 2.0 but i literaly have it on ive also tried reinstalling vanguard didnt do anything
go back into your bios
and check if it’s enabled and active
some bios like mine take an extra step
which just means turning them off and in whichever order until it works
i don’t really remember
it was a while ago
Are you on windows 11?
it worked thanks
glad i could help