Am I right with useServerSeoMeta?

Hey guys, I am trying to setup SEO meta tags. I found useServerSeoMeta, but I have a question. When I want to use titleTemplate inside useHead on my app.vue and then on each page I want to setup title and description I have to do it like this:
<script setup>
title: 'Home',

// title: 'Home - My Site',
description: 'My Description',
<script setup>
title: 'Home',

// title: 'Home - My Site',
description: 'My Description',
When I try to use title from my useServerSeoMeta function it doesn't use titleTemplate from my app.vue. Is there any option to do it simpler?
1 Reply
Fabian B.
Fabian B.2y ago
Hey there! You mostly don't need useServerSeoMeta. But maybe you can explain this more detailled as I am a bit confused: Do you want multiple different title templates across your app? Or do you want a single global template, where your title & description from the pages gets loaded in.

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