Payment issues...

I've tried contacting you via email after one of your reps asked me to try again, but it's radio silence. Let's see if I get a reply here... I have been trying two months in a row now to upgrade to the Dev plan. My card is a US-based bank card but is associated with my UK address, meaning I need to input a postcode, not a ZIP code. Your rep said there was an update where you changed the nomenclature, but that doesn't solve my problem. Your payment UI recognises the card number as US-based and will only accept a ZIP code. If it would accept a general "postal code" (i.e., more formats than just the one it thinks relates to the card number entered), that would be great! All bases covered! But it doesn't. This is now causing delays in work for my team because what they need to access has been removed from deployment. I did reach out to you in plenty of time to prevent this very thing, but as I've said, you've not replied to a single one of those subsequent emails. You could at least give me some way to work around it until you can sort it.
23 Replies
Percy2y ago
Project ID: N/A
Percy2y ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
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Unknown User2y ago
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angelo2y ago
As for the payment process, @BabyThunderball - the only thing I can do here is set up some time to manually pause the ZIP check on the card linking process - you can throw any time convinient for you on so that we can jump on a call to manually connect your card. Reason being, since you are 4,000 miles away from the address of the bank, Stripe is freaking out thinking that the card is stolen (which for the record is definitely not) - anyway your team should be okay. I also want to apologize for the poor service that you recievied, that is totally on us. I personally pride myself on working for a company where you can speak to someone to fully resolve your issue. I know your team is depending on this workload and we dropped the ball. Thats on us and I am sorry.
I see. I will email you. Thank you.
angelo2y ago
I am also free now to try the payment if you'd like
Now works. Thanks.
angelo2y ago
Sweet, I have disabled the rule and you can now try the payment.
It still wants a ZIP code and won’t accept letters.
angelo2y ago
You can enter anything in the ZIP field for now. 33193 works
Got it! Thanks!
angelo2y ago
Okay, verification charge succeeded
Yay! Excellent. I can see it on my bank statement.
angelo2y ago
Okay: so in the future. You were caught in a weird Catch-22 where to get Priority Support, you couldn't pay for it and bump up to the top of my queue 😐
I see
angelo2y ago
Not an upsell, you can stay as is after all you went through.... There is a channel: <#1067681374103941150> - where for your team looks into Railway for more serious and more prod level workloads, you can upgrade to Teams and (I would assume you would need to link a company card.) All Team cases get immediately looked at by me or the rest of the team.
That’s good to know. Thank you so much.
angelo2y ago
Anyway, sorry for the kafkaesque ordeal you went through. This is what we are trying to avoid and we ran into it...
😆 We got there in the end. Thanks.
angelo2y ago
Np! Happy to get you on board.
angelo2y ago
See you around, hopefully we talk in less pressing and stressful outage like situations haha