[Fixed]Sides sagging once enclosure is heated up

So been squaring and i know i am within the 0.2 region. But results could be improved dramatically if i figure out the x axis drop in the first line. This is a room temperature mesh btw.
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6 Replies
BulMasterOP3y ago
Actually for PLA it’s not an issue but once I start doing ABS and the frame heats up for a while in an enclosure the whole things goes crazy
BulMasterOP3y ago
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BulMasterOP3y ago
I unscrewed and rescewed the top linear rail But hardly an improvement So from 0.155 I went to 0.400+ ok special thanks to @helgekeck for his invaluable input. Basically once the chamber is heated i had to re-tighten the X gantry nuts once the metal had sufficiently expanded and I was back to within 0.160 range. Nevertheless, once the frame was cooled down in the morning I had the opposite problem, where the bed mesh was inverted into a bowl shape. So if you are going to print with PLA after, you need to re-tighten the x-gantry again. Hope the above my help people who were also struggling with the same problem.
optimistic-gold2y ago
@bulmaster Thanks for this post I’m having the same issue. I just want to confirm the nuts you tighten are the ones on the xy joiner plates?
BulMasterOP2y ago
X Gantry linear rail.Once the frame is heat soaked, untighten and retighten the nuts. Check again and if needed to the Y rails too.
optimistic-gold2y ago
Thanks again! Appreciate the help!

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