Z-tilt not correcting tilt along Y axis

You can see a clear slope trend along Y axis. The front two corners are nearly the same, and the back two corners are nearly the same, but Z-tilt should be making them level, but it is not. There is also gantry bowing but I can't really do much about that
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10 Replies
Verdeel3y ago
Z-tilt levels based on three points. Frontal corner and middle point in the back. Watch https://www.google.nl/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjVuZKjlaz9AhWhif0HHXWVA4MQwqsBegQILhAF&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dh7ZTq2dDTkM&usg=AOvVaw1MmNpdqBahWBRMtNh5PHka on tips to adjust the frame to get the back corners more inline. If you don’t want to click the link google “RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame”
ptegler3y ago
front Y rail corners need to come down to get the backs up! Unless you have rally HIGH Z acceleration, compared to your XY accels, Z is not going to move fast enough to compensate The X axis bow CAN be dealt with. It's a matter of getting rid of the bi-metal strip effect of gantry and steel rail. a CF tube will help but the dual reallyl seems to be the way to go
fair-rose2y ago
Did you ever solve this issue?
NecroDavidOP2y ago
It seems to be better after changing my X rail
fair-rose2y ago
How much better, and what led you to change your rail?
NecroDavidOP2y ago
With MGN9, the gantry was bowing and the toolhead has play. After changing to MGN12, gantry is almost flat and toolhead is stiff, variance is down to less than 0.2mm
fair-rose2y ago
Wow. What a change. Do you recommend the conversion? Edit: Wait, isn't MGN12 stock? I take it you had a custom lightweight gantry, then?
NecroDavidOP2y ago
I changed to MGN9 for speed but now with AWD, I can still print fast with MGN12, but without the bowing gantry
fair-rose2y ago
How much better did your bed mesh get after the change back?
NecroDavidOP2y ago
It is much better now, 0.2mm variance

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