Need advise on how to fix this mesh
So I think I am almost there with my mesh. There is this bow upwards in the front. I redid my gantry rail, but I guess that was not the problem. Anyone have any ideas? is it a frame problem?
5 Replies
Another view
A & B rail corners could come up a hair
Ok, ket me try that
from your plot, you're talking the thickness of a razor blade to move the AB points. There is a 'printable' somewhere on one of the sites I didn't understand until I went through this myself. It was a little 'jack' for adjusting the rails. Basically an inside corner bracket shaped printed part with a long screw. Me, I scratched my vertical rail with a scribe below and above, and just move my rail until the line was covered/exposed as a form of measuring how far I'd moved it.
best of luck however you proceed
I'll have to look for that