Ability to compile a 360 video from the image stack directly

Sometimes a 360 render will hang before the actual video is rendered, or the process may need to get interrupted for various reasons, such as hitting space limitations on the drive or the user closing the process. (360 renders can take hours or days depending on the size).
When this happens the images remain in the creation folder, but the video never completes so is 0kb.
If you restart, it appears to go through the entire render process all over again, which is undesirable, especially if it happens after all or most of the frames are rendered. A solution might be a change to the bat file (added option) and internally in the code to jump straight to the create video part (skipping recording).
40 Replies
mikeage3y ago
Is this just a matter of calling ffmpeg? All of the frames are there? If so, it ought to be quite easy to implement, and even faster to write instructions for a workaround! (with the caveat that I'm laptopless for the next week, so I'm not actually volunteering...)
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Maybe? There seems to be something that is preventing dropped frames, although not really sure what it's doing. I'd look at the code, but currently in day three of a render that went much longer than expected. Steam encountered an error yesterday with the display port connection, but seems to still be generating images, although not very quickly. Don't want to stop it at this point, since there's 14,000 frames in the folder right now and I expect it to require about 16,000 total. Hopefully.... Perfect example of why this would be a helpful feature though
mikeage3y ago
ok. If it fails, for whatever reason, and you can send me a few sample images, I can try to send you back an ffmpeg command line
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Thanks. If I didn't think it was so close to completion I'd probably shut it down. Would like to test that process on a different recording at some point. Will see if this actually creates the video when it's done Possible bug, won't know until it's done. Expecting around 14,730 frames (at 30fps). Video is 8min11seconds. Currently on frame 20,311 and still processing. Shorter videos all rendered close to estimated length. Will see what happens when it's done. Probably shutting down the render tomorrow if it doesn't finish.. Edit: Wrapped up, about 50% longer than the video version, shorter renders matched perfectly. Will review to see if it stalled at some point or if it just did more frames than expected
Zandy3y ago
It would be cool if this was done internally because the file folder that holds frames are huge and really not necessary but would need the abilty to take a snapshot and render a single 360 as well
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
That folder might be useful if there was a way to delete frames, renumber them and video that.
Although my use case is more specifically.... *wow, this render has taken 22 hours now and I just now realized it will take 65 more, I'd like to stop now, make a video with what I have, without redoing it all over again.. because I don't have three more days to wait" So I kind of like having it. I'm assuming they can be deleted after the fact by the user without negative effects
Zandy3y ago
Yeah I understand but there is really no need. Physical 360 cameras allow both stills and vids and it’s pretty much instant. The 360s like Tvori had in cam mode would honestly be ideal. You wouldn’t have to wait for them to generate and 360s are easy enough to crop and edit in post. No need to eat the hard drive.
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
I'm not sure that I want "post production" per say, that makes me reliant on third party software which noticeably degrades the output The in game thing seems to be very careful about not dropping frames, for instance. Also is definitely a literal use case that I had.
(Had the speed slider a bit low) but I'm sure it would have been worth keeping because the 3d video quality would have been amazing) Additionally having the frame stake gives me the option of really improving the quality, which a finished video does not So personally, it's a capability that I'd like to have
Zandy3y ago
It won’t degrade the output at all and in some instances you can upscale them. Honestly the amount of MB on the hard drive is not necessary collecting stills. Def old school renders
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Interesting. Maybe I'm doing something incorrectly. Also hasn't happened recently but I've had videos hang during the compile phase, which means a complete redo. So not sure exactly sure what your proposal is, since I'm not using physical 360 cameras
Zandy3y ago
They output on physical 360 cameras is instantaneous. There is no wait time anymore. Tvori was exactly the same.
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
That's not what I'm interested in doing, at least I dont' think it is
Zandy3y ago
Do you have Tvori by any chance?
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
I had the version before they upgraded, then checked back and I missed the grandfathered in window Last I checked it just wanted money I would like to be able to take a 360 still frame/snapshot, but that's kind of a different thing
Zandy3y ago
It had that as well. Instant. No folder generating images for videos either. Just direct output. Just like physical 360 cams Stitching pics manually was part of the rendering process back in 2014-15
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Currently I'm using camera paths to record, and processing using unity/game, and I can think of uses for those frames, although they could be presumably be extracted and I'd like to be able to edit things by removing the frames, without moving output to premiere etc In some use cases Because I can't rely on adobe being available to me, and learning Davinci better is a different thing entirely
Zandy3y ago
There are easier ways to do it… just trying to be helpful
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
could just put a config flag to delete folder after video render. Ha, I'm sure there are, but I don't know them, lol
Zandy3y ago
Honestly Tvori nailed it
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
And honestly haven't found anything that does it with better quality than what the game engine does so far for 4k ods, at least without dropping frames, and making them smooth
Zandy3y ago
You could export up to 8k as well Stereoscopic or equirectangular
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Nice, that's impressive
Zandy3y ago
All in game And anything under 4k is garbage
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
That would probably choke a lot of the players out there, but would also be a really cool thing to have
Zandy3y ago
4K is =2k in the HMD So ideally 8k is best
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
In some cases depends on teh camera aspect ratio Which is the other thing. I can replace a camera, but havent' figured out how to do multiples Would like a "tik tok" video camera option, and some other custom ones and have the game figure it out Although mostly for 2d, because I'm sure the stitching would be an entirely different set of maths
Zandy3y ago
Sarah Redohl
Immersive Shooter
Explaining 360 video resolution: how to measure it, quality compari...
Immersive Shooter explains 360 video resolution: how to measure 360 video resolution, how it compares to fixed frame & the key to higher quality experiences
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
So about half the short side of the frame I'd have to reread that multiple times to make sense of it.
Already have read quite a bit about it, but it's mostly gibberish to me. I've got a contact that knows this stuff inside and out, but not a good enough contact that I'd likely not be spending money to do it, lol
Zandy3y ago
So my point in saying this is that if there was the perfect camera in OB, rendering 8k, if you are generating stills in addition it’s going to be an issue for the user especially if they need to render over a min of 360 vid. Wonder if anyone knows the dev at Tvori to see how they did it.
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Ya, I have no idea. I'm rendering ten minute pieces in some cases, longer than that and I get too bored of waiting for it
Zandy3y ago
And it’s not necessary. They made TB in 2016? Again about the time when 360s had to be rendered that way Stitching manually Ptgui etc
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
And all of them look worse if I actually decide to edit, which makes me sad
Zandy3y ago
360 gurus Learned a lot from them
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
I've played around with a lot of output settings, but just using premiere. After effects cant' seem to do as high res Diminishing returns on large files in most cases, and the viewer I'm using seems to have trouble with really large videos Ya, I've got that, but not sure about the settings there
Zandy3y ago
Just double it
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Seems to drop frames pretty frequently
Zandy3y ago
Do 2x for now should be sufficient. It shouldn’t be dropping. Always able to handle it
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
and having trouble getting continuous flow. I only spent a couple days looking at it though Hmm, maybe a settings issue. I may have gotten frustrated and gave up to soon. It's abysmally slow too, lol
Zandy3y ago
It will take awhile but if we have 8k output we won’t need to upscale 😉
AncientWorldsOP3y ago
Ya, I'd love to be able to output 8k directly. Would also be really useful for the other things I'm doing As in, incredibly useful I tried to work around it in the code, but it has hard limits set and I couldn't figure out how to bypass them without getting a "beyond allowed ranges" type thing, so there's probably a sanity check I missed or my graphics card just can't handle it or both

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