V-Minion Bed Mesh question

So I’m curious as to what a “good variance” would be for a machine of this size. I’ve been at it for a while today and the best I can get is a .091 mm variance. This is down from .455mm. Is it safe to stop here or should I keep on trying to improve it?
11 Replies
magic-amber3y ago
That's absolutely fine, <0.2mm Variance is usually your goal, but with the Minion <0.1mm is easily achieved so that's my personal goal
ShadesOP3y ago
Perfect thanks!
D_Jespersen (DJ_Designs)
and with that low number you don't need a lot of bed mesh points 🙂
Krocostimpy3y ago
What exactly did you do to correct your variance? That's an impressive reduction. Mine bounces between .5mm and .4mm depending on moon phase.
flat-fuchsia3y ago
Mine is .678mm
genetic-orange3y ago
I would like to second that question @shades1138 ! How did you bring it down so well?
ShadesOP3y ago
So I started with new nylon washers and got the bed finger tight. Then I took a level to it and made sure the bed was level then I leveled the x gantry to the bed and ran a mesh Based off that mesh I tightened to screws to adjust and redid the mesh and then adjusted again <- did this about 12x until it was at the .09 number stated above Also made sure to heat the hotend to 150 before each mesh Not going to lie it took a while to get there
ShadesOP3y ago
No description
Krocostimpy3y ago
oh.. it's a 200mm bed... Never mind... sadpepe
D_Jespersen (DJ_Designs)
Why’s that?
Krocostimpy3y ago
I am dealing with a 500mm bed. I think the 200mm are just better from the factory.

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