How to run Open Brush properly on Vive Focus 3?

Hello 🙂 I work for a small theater where we would like to give VR painting workshops on our in-house VR headsets, which are all Vive Focus 3. I tried downloading the Open Brush OpenXR Quest file from and installing it on the headset via USB. When I search for the Open Brush app in the VR library, it comes up as a 2D app and doesnt run properly (a 2D screen pops up, then it immediately crashes). How do I install Open Brush so that it works? Or is it not compatible with Vive Focus 3? Thanks for your help!
8 Replies
mikesky3y ago
Hi! While we are working on a port to the Vive Focus series of headsets, unfortunately it's not production ready yet! The Quest build will not function as Quest uses a few custom adjustments to OpenXR that don't work on other platforms sadly. I may be able to send you a test build but I have no guarantee it'll function! I've got a list of people to notify when the vive build is available properly, I'll make sure you're on it 🙂
mikeage3y ago
We should probably rebase before sending it off
mikesky3y ago
@bill have you had a chance to review this?
vivienOP3y ago
@mikesky Thank you, I would very much like to be on that list! And I'd be happy to try out a test build too, if you don't mind sending it 😁
bill3y ago
Thanks I'll take a look.
vivienOP3y ago
Hi again, I was wondering about the test build....might it be possible to try it out?
andybak3y ago
@mikesky ?
mikesky3y ago
The current build doesn’t allow you to save I’m afraid, bug on HTC’s end 😦

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