Railwayβ€’2y ago

Why railway app blocked discord-player ?

Hi everyone ! I'm used deploy my project (it was a discord music bot using this package https://discord-player.js.org/) and since heroku no longer free soon ! I need to find myself a new solution and after search stuff I found a lot of people recommend railway app. So I go for it, but when I deploy my project it say Banned Dependency 😦
Discord Player
🎧 Complete framework to simplify the implementation of music commands using Discord.js
5 Replies
Alainaβ€’2y ago
music bots aren't allowed on railway https://railway.app/legal/fair-use
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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nebulaβ€’2y ago
no, music bots are banned in general
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Unknown Userβ€’2y ago
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miloβ€’2y ago
this changed? Using external lava link severs has been fine for a while