USDA files on Quest

Can you remind me where you are at? Are you using the Quest standalone - or running Open Brush on the PC and connecting to the Quest via Link?
14 Replies
andybakOP3y ago
I've started a thread to keep the conversation in one place. Reply here. @Carrie Able reply in this thread so the conversation doesn't get mixed in with other chat
Carrie Able
Carrie Able3y ago
ok got it
andybakOP3y ago
I normally do openbrush on quest alone but i do have VR laptop and link cable- i set it up with laptop to see if the usda files show up on desktop and i didnt see any- do i need to resave somehow for them to show?
I'm pretty sure the usda file is created when you record a video. (and only when running via PC) So: 1. Start Open Brush on the PC 2. Record a video as normal 3. Check the folder the video is saved to on your PC and see if the .usda file is there (I haven't done much video myself - this is gleaned from a few tests, the docs and what other people have told me)
andybakOP3y ago
"When you create a video from inside Open Brush using the Camera tool and you've set "SaveCameraPath" to True in the Open Brush config file - Open Brush will create a Windows batch file alongside the video (In Documents\Open Brush\Videos) that you can run to re-render the video at a higher resolution." Remind me - why do you need to render offline? What's your end goal, here? I just want to check that the thing you're trying to get working is the right thing for what you want to achieve. Still there?
Carrie Able
Carrie Able3y ago
Am I recording with the headset or internally with oculus? I dont see a record option for anything other than a five sec gif within the openbrush app my end goal is to make a 360 film i can upload to youtube @andybak any ideas on the above
andybakOP3y ago
"Am I recording with the headset or internally with oculus?". You're recording on the pc if Open Brush is running on the pc.
Carrie Able
Carrie Able3y ago
ok i meant- do i click record from the headset- or click record in app on openbrush?
andybakOP3y ago
Both! You record in the Open Brush app but you do it on the headset. I might be misunderstanding the distinction you're making here (I'm also typing on my phone whilst cooking dinner so bear with me. Different time zone!) (And it's a rather improvised pseudo-paella at that...)
Carrie Able
Carrie Able3y ago
Wow thats a difficult dish!! thanks for your help, ok what im asking is how am i supposed to trigger the recording? theres 2 ways- one where i push record that just records everything on my quest screen, whether in open brush or not, then theres the in app of open brush within labs to record but i only see gif options there
andybakOP3y ago
Ok. It's the latter but there should be non-gif options. I'll have to check because I don't use it enough to remember off the bat.
andybakOP3y ago
It would be good to improve the docs on this. What parts could be clearer?
Carrie Able
Carrie Able3y ago
Ok- for some reason i was only seeing gifs. i will try @andybak thank you very much

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