Access Postgres from Web Service

Do I have to copy the env variables from the postgres into my projects that need them? Or is there a way to pipe them?
6 Replies
eirk2y ago
If it's in the same project, then the db vars should be in every service already U shouldn't need to do anything
Dillonzer2y ago
oh weird. It wasn't picking them up so I had to copy them
Faraz2y ago
Are you using separate projects or is it just a service in the same project?
Dillonzer2y ago
All my services will be in the same project as the db
Faraz2y ago
It should just automatically pick them up. How were you using the variables?
Dillonzer2y ago
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DATABASE_URL") oh now it's working. Must have just been too early when i tested it