Leaning Technologies


Leaning Technologies

The home of Cheerp, CheerpJ, and CheerpX. Chat about virtual machines, compilers, and WebAssembly!


Interacting with System.in

I'm looking into using CheerpJ to put together a website to showcase student projects in my intro programming class. I've been testing with projects from past semesters. Many are using swing and are working well, but some students' projects have user interaction in the terminal (REPL style). When I run non-gui applications I see stdout in the browser console which is a good start, but I'm not sure how to interact with stdin.


Can I leverage my systems other cores via webvm or am I limited to single core execution?

webvm filesystem and headless

I was directed to Discord to learn more about using webvm with filesystem APIs. I hope this is the right place to ask. I want to run webvm headless, such that my Javascript executes shell commands but I display my own html/js frong end. I also want to be able to save files to the filesystem or at least as a stopgap serialize those files generated in my VM to Javascript to enable file downloads.

have a running Terminal on my website

Hello, guys if anyone could help me please I am trying to use Cheerpx to have a running Terminal on my website, I cant figure out a way to do it im using JS and html for now and im currently stuck I do not know how to set it up. The image above is what I have ofc there isnt an actual terminal,...
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cheerpJ usage patterns..?

The application does not launch, normally you should access another page. This is just the loading page

Compatibility ?

I have a community card playground, quite old (developed more than 10 years ago). It works via JAVA applets. This playground is multiplayer. I tried the browser plugin, it doesn't work.

CheerpJ usage patterns... ?

For some background: We have a native application that we have ported to WASM. This native version has features that run a JVM, manage it, load and run code in it, and communicate over JNI/JNA. I'm trying to get a handle on how we might use CheerpJ here, and wondering where to start. It's not as simple as run this lib from this web address... jar files would exist on a WASM filesystem. We also use features like a security manager....

Hello I am trying to open a webpage from an Asrock Rack motherboard so I can view the bios

of the motherboard through a webbrowser but it works wiht java, but I tried to open it but it won't open. I installed this extension but no luck yet.


Hello. I need to solve this on client side: Pull down a git repo of 3 mb and save all files client side in browser Run a python script to modify these files Upload to same git repo ...

Page Loads Blank

I am trying to access a Tripp Lite SNMPWEBCARD web interface that uses Java Applets. Currently I have to access it by using the Pale Moon browser along with JRE version lower than Update 8 v71 as apparently that version does not allow MD5 for certificates. I am not a developer and don't really know much about how this works. I am a systems administrator though so I'm not completely illiterate with computers. I am not sure what information I need to provide to help and I hope this is the right place to ask for help. When I load the page without CheerpJ it directs me to learn about appelets. With the extension it loads the "frame" that the interface would appear in but it's just a blank white page along with the learn about applets text below. The text part is normal....

JNLP file not loading

i downloaded the extension so i can use your extension to run a JNLP file to connect to my supermicro server, however it doesnt load and i can only download a blank file. clicking start application doesnt do anything
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How do i run the vm?

I'm not the smartest cookie so i don't know how to make it work

Running Steam through CheerpX

Hello all, If possible, I would like to run an application file, specifically Steam, in a VM in the web. I don't know if this is possible since Steam isn't 32 bit but I would like to at least try. If anyone has any other solutions that would be great as well. Thanks :D...

Issue loading game

Attached are demos for two games from the same series, one that loads with CheerpJ and one that will not. Both are able to load with Java 8 through the terminal. The broken demo begins to load in CheerpJ, but then stops suddenly. I am using the 6 Dec CheerpJ build. Due to the filepath requirements in the html files, you will need to place the demo folder at the root of the test web server or change the filepath within the html files.

Issue loading game

This game is unable to load. All of the other java games in this series load great in CheerpJ. No error messages are coming through in the console. I've tried running in both Edge and Firefox. I'm using the 5 Dec build of CheerpJ.

Custom device in CheerpX

How easy would it be to write a custom device for CheerpX? I'm interested in a device that can provide an async function to handle all file access within its mount point, responding with data that's already available in the browser client.

Firefox Issues

Are there any known issues with CheerpJ compatibility with Firefox? I've had a few issues with applets not being able to load on Firefox. These same applets load just fine in Chrome and Edge.

When adding tailscaleAuthKey, nothing loads and no console messages

I have an exit node set up on centos, and select the exit node through the app on my phone and lookup my IP to verify everything with the exit node is working. My jar runs (to the point that it can without networking) on both my phone and pc, but if I add tailscaleAuthKey: "MY_KEY", nothing runs and there are no browser consoles messages to suggest anything is wrong with my key

Verbose compilation

Anyway to develop a progress bar for the compilation process? I found "preloadProgress" in CheerpJ docs for the init function but I'm pretty sure it doesn't provide information about how far the browser is with compiling the program.