Hello I am trying to open a webpage from an Asrock Rack motherboard so I can view the bios

of the motherboard through a webbrowser but it works wiht java, but I tried to open it but it won't open. I installed this extension but no luck yet.
20 Replies
pmaniaOP2mo ago
This is the problem the screen record didn't show the pop up windows this is the adress in the pop up window
apignotti2mo ago
Hi, thanks for getting in touch. Can you clarify if the popup opens or not? If so, please share a screenshot of the popup itself.
pmaniaOP2mo ago
No description
pmaniaOP2mo ago
It tries to download a file but it always fails jviewer.jnlp
apignotti2mo ago
Can you clarify if you are using the CheerpJ Applet Runner extension or the CheerpJ JNLP Runner extension? Also, what do you mean exactly that the file fails to download?
pmaniaOP2mo ago
I only downloaded it but I can't use it I think It can't find the file
apignotti2mo ago
Can the file be downloaded? If so, can you share it here? I refer to a file called jviewer.jnlp Please reply to this question as well, it might be you are not using the correct tool
pmaniaOP2mo ago
I downloaded the CheerpJ Applet Runner
apignotti2mo ago
If the jviewer.jnlp file can be downloaded then the right tool is the JNLP Runner extension But before trying that route please make sure the file can indeed be downloaded And share it here if possible
pmaniaOP2mo ago
pmaniaOP2mo ago
pmaniaOP2mo ago
I need a working java browser or something to open this There I can see the bios through a web browser
apignotti2mo ago
I understand what you are trying to achieve, that is clear These videos do not record all the windows, but only the current tab, so I don't know if the file is downloaded or not Can you confirm that? I need to understand exactly what is going on to be able to help you
pmaniaOP2mo ago
no I am trying already for several hours nothing is downloaded
apignotti2mo ago
So, this web site is based on JNLP, not on applets We offer another solution for JNLP But, this solution can only work if the file is downloaded. Please understand that it's very difficult for me to provide better help without access to this system
apignotti2mo ago
Please try our JNLP runner extension. There is a free trial that you can use.
apignotti2mo ago
There is also something else you can try: You can copy/paste the popup URL into the main browser window while the devtools are open and download an HAR from the devtools. With the HAR we should be able to better understand what is going on. https://cheerpj.com/docs/guides/cheerpj-debug#extracting-a-har-file
Leaning Technologies Developer Hub
Debugging CheerpJ - CheerpJ Documentation
How to properly debug CheerpJ in the browser
pmaniaOP2mo ago
I managed to download the file with a bootable windows 11 and I had already a windows 11 and another install on my gaming pc it downloads it now too but still it doesn't work completely.
apignotti2mo ago
Please provide more information about what is not working. Please share the console log as well. @Panini please provide further guidance to this user. Closing due to lack of information

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