


JanusGraph - Distributed, open source, massively scalable graph database.


How to create, register and enable an index in Janusgraph?

I want to create an index to find a vertex by label and a property value. I saw from documentation that i have to Install->Register->Enable the index, but somehow i can't get it to be Register and Enabled. 1) Install...

Decode data in Hbase storage

I have a JanusGraph cluster and use Hbase storage. When i get data in Hbase, it can't read. Who can help me decode data?...

JanusGraph over aws keyspaces and opensearch

Hello, I use janusgraph (embedded) over cassandra => scylladb and elasticsearch since 3 years, to modelise large operator network and do many analyse in parallel. I wanted to switch on aws keyspaces with opensearch to heave more scallabilty. Any advise ?...

JanusGraph on Azure HDInsights Spark Cluster

We are following the instructions here https://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/current/reference/#hadoop-gremlin and are working on setting up the hadoop-gremlin on the spark cluster with JanusGraph 1.0.0-rc2. We are working through some of the issues with this integration where we needed to copy the two binaries in the Janus lib location /usr/hdp/ /usr/hdp/ ...

Reading the writes on Instance A done by Instance B

We are facing an issue with the janusgraph cluster having around 20 instances. The issue here is that if we are writing a vertex on instance A and try to read it from other instance it takes few seconds for the write to reflect on other instances. I have checked that storage.batch-loading is set to false....

JanusGraph stuck in SchemaStatus.INSTALLED status

A user reports that after discarding a composite index, creating a composite index with the same name would not work because JanusGraph is stuck in SchemaStatus.INSTALLED status. @rngcntr Do you have any idea on this? Originally posted on StackOverFlow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76266499/register-index-not-registering-schemastatus-installed-janusgraph-index...

Plans for the Hadoop integration

Notice https://docs.janusgraph.org/advanced-topics/hadoop/ from JanusGraph documentation about JanusGraph and Hadoop integration, would like to know where we could get more information on the project plan/status. Thanks,

Problem with setting up JanusGraph with Solr on k8s

Hi All, I am trying to connect my JanusGraph instance to Solr. Both are hosted on K8s cluster. I am using JanusGraph docker image version:1.0.0-rc2 (Looks like it is using solrJ 8.11.2) For Solr I am using following helm charts from: https://solr.apache.org/operator/resources.html The chart version is 0.7.0 and as per release notes it is deploying Solr 8.11.0 and I am deploying Solr as SolrCloud....