


JanusGraph - Distributed, open source, massively scalable graph database.


Janusgraph limits

I need to build a massive knowledge graph where I should aggregate many kinds of pieces of information, and the logical model of the system I need to build naturally fits in a property graph. I could need to manage approximately 200B of vertices and 500B edges. I'm familiar with HBase, and I know it scales pretty well, just wondering if any of you used Janusgraph (with Solr) with similar numbers, pros? cons? hints? is it risky?

Using Spark with JansuGraph on a Cassandra storage backend

Hello there!! Hope you are having an awesome day. I am trying to use OLAP query for my janusgraph setup. I am using Cassandra for storing graph, but I am using our own defined custom storage backend class. I think that graph is created without using my storage backend. Can you please help me figure out what is wrong ?...

Support for spatial data

Is there a way to save and query geospatial data in JanusGraph ?

Case Insensitive TextRegex?

Is there a way to convey a text insensitivity to a textRegex Regex without doing a per character index enumeration of casing? E.g. I'd normally make a regex like "(?i)foobar" (or pass to an explicit flags parameter in the regex builder) to match FOOBAR, Foobar, etc. But it seems like I have to do textRegex("[Ff][Oo][Oo][Bb][Aa][Rr]") to proxy that functionality?...

Read Only Janusgraph Instance

HI folks, We have a usecase for accesing janusgraph in read only mode. We already have a read write deployment backed by bigtable. Was curious can we deploy one more deployment of janusgraph which is backed by same backend storage but only read only queries are allowed. I couldn't find a straight way to do it without adding an abstraction by having a readonlystrategy (although still need to test it)....

Transactions and atomicity

Hi all! I'm researching JanusGraph and I'm excited to learn more. There's one thing I haven't understood when using JanusGraph with a storage backend like ScyllaDB: According to the docs, the best way to avoid data inconsistencies is to use a storage backend that supports atomic batch writes. If I do that, do I remove all risk of half-edges and other permanent inconsistencies -- i.e. is eventual consistency guaranteed? And if the storage backend does support atomic batch writes, how can I tell if JanusGraph actually uses it?...

How do I enable dynamic graphs while using the latest docker image `janusgraph/janusgraph:latest`?

With the following configuration settings and using the default g alias I can work with gremlin/JanusGraph no problem: ``` environment: janusgraph.set-vertex-id: true storage.backend: cql...

io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException While adding an Edge

Getting io.netty.handler.codec.DecoderException while adding an edge between two vertices. Vertex vx1 = g.V().has("name","Vertex1").next(); Vertex vx2 = g.V().has("name","Vertext2").next(); Edge newEdge = g.V(vx1).addE("connected").to(vx2).next()...

Can graph scans restrictions be bypassed?

When a JanusGraph database has janusgraph.query.force-index: "true"​, is there a way to submit queries that would be considered as graph scans (e.g. g.V().limit(25)) despite the setting being enabled? I know that DataStax Enterprise for instance has a with('allow-filtering') that lets users bypass that restriction....

getting ClassNotFoundException when trying to run gremlin query g.V().valueMap for custom class

I am storing the Map <String,Address> into graph as property like: Map<String, Address> location = new HashMap<>(); location.put("Address",new Address("pune","412216")); g.addV("person").property("name",name).property("locality",location).next(); ...
No description

Why is the default serializer in conf/remote.yaml GryoV3?

Im using Janusgraph 0.6.0 in a docker container. Everytime i start the container, I get the message "The org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.GryoMessageSerializerV3d0 serialization class is deprecated." two times. So why does the conf/remote.yaml contains "serializer: { className: org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.GryoMessageSerializerV3d0, config: { serializeResultToString: true }} " ? I would expect there should be a GraphsonSerilizer or something thats not deprecated at least. And I...

JanusGraph metrics data having value 0 for most metrics

I have a janusgrpah server with metrics enabled along with jmx.metric enabled, The issue is all the metric starting with org_janusgraph have a constant 0. I'm able to see all the metrics with name org_apache_tinkerpop but not the janusgraph ones. Can someone please suggest if I m missing or how can I enable it....

Upgrading from 0.6 to 1.0.0-20230626 caused indexes to disappear

Hi all, I tried to upgrade from 0.6 to 1.0.0-20230626 yesterday, and I ran into some issues. All of the existing indexes was gone after the upgrade. My setup is cql-es, using cassandra 3.11.6 and ES 7.16.2. If I recall correctly, the graph used to contain around 10 CompositeIndexes....

Does JanusGraph keep the connection?

When a JanusGraph server is started, does it keep connections to the Storage Backends? Or when an operation is performed, it will initiate a connection and if so, will the connection be closed or not?

JanusGraph interface using Java

I am planning to use JanusGraph in my spring boot Java web application, in my windows dev box , running JanusGraph in a docker container, and running my Java outside of , unable to successfully establish a connection with JanusGraph. Can anyone please provide details on which dependencies to be used and the API to use , and any example with sample

Should not allow creating vertex with only one of the composite index

I have created unique composite index using : .addKey(key1).addKey(key2).unique().buildCompositeIndex() I want to keep the combination of key1 and key2 unique. Please let me know if I can achieve that with the above statement. Also i found that janusgraph is allowing me to create vertices using only one of the key, for example i can create vertices with key1 only, why it is allowing me to do so? shouldnt it fail since key2 is not given?...

Cassandra or ScyllaDB

What’s the best choice for storage, Cassandra or ScyllaDB , in terms of performance, scalability,availability…

Periodic Data deletion in Janusgraph

Hi folks, Wanted to know what are the best practices for deleting data older than some certain days to maintain graph size within limits. Does janusgraph provides any standard SoP or tooling for daily data deletion jobs? I know for static vertexes it provides TTL but We don't have static vertices....

org.janusgraph.diskstorage.TemporaryBackendException: Lock write retry count exceeded

hi I am getting above error while try to execute the gremlin query

How to create, register and enable an index in Janusgraph?

I want to create an index to find a vertex by label and a property value. I saw from documentation that i have to Install->Register->Enable the index, but somehow i can't get it to be Register and Enabled. 1) Install...