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All posts for Task
How to define global variables for all taskfiles
How to reuse code in taskfile?
Defining flags/arguments for a task?
VSCode Extension not detecting task when installed with linuxbrew
How to check if ARGS count is not 0
dotenv inside included Taskfile
Problems with include files
task for dummies?
Convert string variable to integer
Watching golang source w net/http server
Rerun task on dep build.
Parentheses in commands
Boolean value keeps evaluating as false
Is this the best way to create a list (that can be empty) for use with templates?
Is it possible to to specify a Go version in a Taskfile?
variable for current taskfile?
Does precondition support go templates?
What environment anad shell are task commands executed in?
Continue on error
dotnev variable value calculation
yaml formatted data
Precondition with OR does not work
Using sh to generate a map?
Required input does not prevent dependencies from running and dependencies do not share variables
How to use for loop with filenames containing spaces?
Blocking Task?
Should the 'generates' folders be automatically excluded from 'sources' evaluaton?
Static context issues
Path to Taskfile from environment variable
Running task fails in git hooks
is there a way to give required variables check in the root level similar to the task level?
how task kill process?
Looking for advice - Rendering template files
sources with wildcards, can I run the command only for the modified files?
Referencing parent tasks
Working out why a task with sources and generates is considered up to date
commands composition?
encounter a issue that task caching not working anymore.
is it possible to set vars in cmds?
how to apply `ignore` in source filter?
Default to $GOARCH
Bizarre build error
The {{.USER_WORKING_DIR}} changes in task of a included TaskFiles
Embedding the CLI
generates directive on `node_modules` directory
Escaping templating - colon space is special in yaml
Dependencies not being run