Should I start my own blog, or use an existing platform?
Hi guys, I'm peter. I'm starting a new project with all the t3 start recommend
[next-auth][error][OAUTH_CALLBACK_HANDLER_ERROR] ...UTApi deleteFiles
RSA_PKCS1_PADDING is no longer supported for private decryption
padding scheme in a next.js serverless function. I am getting this error on production deployments. (It is working on local dev environment) The error message says this can be "reverted" but where do i actually pass that argument in a production deployment?
```bash...Tutotial - What settings to choose
Best resources / learning material?
Should I switch jobs?
Advanced Typescript Resources
Uploadthing Image not showing up
Large number of Vercel Edge Middleware Invocations coming from next-auth's `/api/auth/session`
with NextAuth
for auth. Also using the pages
router for this project.
I had about about 3k page views yesterday when I noticed that my Edge Middleware Invocations
went up by 4% in one day, with /api/auth/session
out in the lead with over a 1/4 of all invocations.
I am using the database
strategy with NextAuth
...Shadcn - Drawer - Vaul - flashing after closing Drawer
Am I being lowballed?
NextJS detect if page is fetching new data, if so, display loading
interface DataPropsExampleTypeForReference {
category: string;...error: column "trailer_id" cannot be cast automatically to type integer
next MongoDB api route returns []
filtering, sorting and grouping + pagination
Scehma Versioning of Event driven architecture
Any good library/service for managing background jobs?
module not found build fail