What would you use for a global state management? - Initalization from API needed
, getSliderAds
, and for the grid that's dynamic, it'd be something like getContent
which would return an array of objects with type: "item" | "ad"
. You could then use this array to render either BusinessCard
or Advertisement
And if you can handle it on BE, you can just look at all the available ads, and ensure these endpoints don't return duplicates....Mobx-state-tree action is undefined when passed to onPress
and then set up the typing for the props using interface.
interface AddLifePointsButtonProps {
player: Player
}...Expo Router APIs
Uploadthing 403 Forbidden Error in Production (vercel)
How can we implement the /user/month plan for team.
New product
If you are using NextAuth, how are you accessing Auth data in Client Components?
Have you experienced your Next.js getting hacked?
Does saving files incur a cost on Vercel?
Dynamic breadcrumbs
You can get to this route from /customers/:customerId
and from /projects
I want the breadcrumbs in /projects/:projectId
to show which path I actually came from so that the navigation makes sense....Using creat-t3-turbo with vercel/postgres as my db, has anyone successfully containerized postgresQL
'@vercel/postgres' can only connect to remote Neon/Vercel Postgres/Supabase instances through a WebSocket
has anyone found a guide on how I can have a local instance working with their drizzle config?
I tried these guides with no success:
https://github.com/vercel/storage/issues/123...After logged in, how to redirect users back to the same URL they were before logging in?
Modern React Tutorial @ 32:00
Any recommendations for icon packs for web?
Vercel: Error: Invalid environment variables
the error is below...
How to create 4 button in CSS
I'm using t3-app generator for a Prisma, NextJS based trpc app.
From 0 to Production - The Modern React Tutorial (RSCs, Next.js, Shadui, Drizzle, TS and more) Issue
uploadthing error
useLayoutEffect vs useEffect (with a setTimeout)