timmm | DexFi Gia Dev
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•Created by timmm | DexFi Gia Dev on 9/9/2024 in #support-community
Tanstack + Realtime not working
I'm using tanstack query and I'm not getting updates until I refresh the page
Is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong? This pattern was adapted from the example on the tanstack website https://tanstack.com/router/v1/docs/framework/react/examples/start-convex-trellaux
Here's the project table
This is my getProject code on the backend
This is my queries on the frontend
This is how i render it
9 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by timmm | DexFi Gia Dev on 8/5/2024 in #questions
Invalid Signature in uploadthing
Hi - I'm getting an error "Invalid Signature" when I use upload thing with production settings. I can't find any reference to this error anywhere apart from in the code so I'm not sure where to start to resolve this
The error in the console looks like this
I'm using remix
I've setup my route handler API and as far as I can tell it looks fine
The request object is being sent to the route handlers POST has an x-uploadthing-signature
I've rotated the keys to double check and logging UPLOADTHING_SECRET shows the same secret that is in the upload thing api keys screen
Everything works fine in dev mode
This is my api/uploadthing route
What might be going on here?
3 replies