🧩 Plasmo Developers


🧩 Plasmo Developers

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Typescript support

Hello there. I created a new Plasmo project. pnpm create plasmo example-dir I opened popup.tsx and added the simple line let a: number = "just a string";...

getOverlayAnchor running infinitely

Hello team, I am trying to use getOverlayAnchor to overlay my UI on a particular site. Here's the code: ```...

Calling api with cookies in popup and plasmo-overlay

using content script i was able to store cookies using storage api, and show popup as per the storageApi, but when calling api i am not able to send with cookies in the headers...
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Supabase + Chrome storage question

Hi all, new to Plasmo and discord 😄 Just curious, I've been using the supabase starter and am curious: When creating the supabase client, is it storing the auth tokens (refresh and session) within chrome.storage and NOT local or session storage by default? If that's true, does that make it secure from xss in a way it might not if stored in local storage directly?...

How to submit through Github Actions?

I'm using the official Github Action and building my extension with plasmo build --zip. Here is my workflow file: ``` name: CI / Publish extension...
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Sending messages from webpage to extension

I'm building a niche extension that should work in tandem with my nextjs web app. I already have a content script working with Plasmo so I maybe could injects some buttons into the page, but since I have control of the web app also it seems better to be able to build my own buttons there but have them only display if the extension is installed and when clicked, send a message to the background worker. I've tried using the plasmo/messaging package from the web app (doesn't seem to work) and I've tried the chrome.runtime.sendMessage API, but with inconsisent results. Is this becuase plasmo's dev server is not loading properly or am I doing something else wrong?...

content.tsx getting rerendered on url change

Hey here i have question, i ma using plasmo very first time, I have just clonned with-tailwind-css template from examples i have content.tsx and suppose on url/* i have rendered something... not url changes url/abc now content.tsx is re running, all state of my component is gone, how to stop this? and 2nd question is what the best way to observe whether page is propley loaded or not , or url change? I have thisn structure : SS attached...
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Display custom UI per element in an inlineachorlist

I am trying to create an extension for a website, The website has these table rows, I managed to show a ui using the getInlineAchorList function but I want to show custom data per row. Is there a way to do this? I attached a diagram of what I am trying to do. Thanks!
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How to communicate betweeen background and MAIN content script?

Hello! My design is like this: 1. In option page, set value. 2. In a specific websites, show its value (just simplified yeah) ...

Issue with blog content

I'm trying to follow this article of using firebase with react and plasmo but most of the images are not available: https://www.plasmo.com/blog/posts/firebase-chrome-extension...

Overwrite existing CSS/Styling on page

Hi, how can I overwrite existing CSS on a webpage?

Scrapping data from website

Hi guys, i'm new with browser extension, so i want to make an extention for my website only and there have scenario that extension may store user input for automate, i wonder in plasmo how can i send data from my website to extension, thank everyone

Existing NextJs project

Hello Everyone, I just started working with plasmo and NextJS. I have a NextJS project already working and want to create an extension for it. My first question is how do I add plasmo to it? Do I just copy and paste the files that are in the "with-nextjs" examples repo into my own nextjs repo? If yes, Do I do it under a seperate directory or add them in root of the project?...

compression type

Hey! How do I go about sending the zipped package via the "Manual Upload API". I either seemed to get compression errors, invalid zip errors or mainfest.json not found errors when on the signing stage. Currently I'm running (but I've trialed a bunch of other things) - yarn build && yarn package...

Changes to .prettierrc.mjs and tsconfig.js not taking effect

Hi, I just created a package with Plasmo. The first thing I did was set strict to true in the tsconfig.json and then set singleQuote to true in .prettierrc.mjs. Unfortunately, these do not seem to be taking effect. After making these changes, pnpm build is still passing without any complaints with code that is non-strict and has double quotes. These are the only two changes I have from the default package you get with pnpm create plasmo. Any help would be much appreciated. ```...

sendBackgroundRelay bug

The body that I send via relay always arrives null, the message arrives but with the body null 👀

Content script runs on all URLs. Doesn't respect the config.matches.

Pretty much as described in the title. I configured the context script according to Plasmo docs, but it doesn't behave as expected. ```typescript export const config = { matches: ["https://x.com/*"],...

overidin the manifest.json not working?

I need permissions to be able to do scripting(in a background service worker), I tried to override my manifest.json. I searched it up and the documentation said adding to the package.json. However, when I do that, it still does nto change the manifest so I dont have permission cause when I log the manifest.json in the background serve worker, it only has premission to open side tab. This is my repo: https://github.com/ThePathOfLeastResistance/checkment
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Itero Help

Just paid for a team subscription but the server returns a 500 every time i try to create a team. Also still showing 'personal account' under the dashboard but 'professional' under billing can someone help?