PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by Russ on 7/22/2024 in #🔰newbie
Itero Help
Just paid for a team subscription but the server returns a 500 every time i try to create a team. Also still showing 'personal account' under the dashboard but 'professional' under billing can someone help?
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PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by Russ on 7/10/2024 in #👟framework
Issue testing code with plasmo/storage dependancies with Jest
The dependancy that plasmo/storage has on pify causes any jest tests that touch that code to fail with an error Jest encountered an unexpected token Details: ext/node_modules/.pnpm/pify@6.1.0/node_modules/pify/index.js:37 export default function pify(input, options) { ^^^^^^ Googling around it looks like this is should be addressed by adding transformIgnorePatterns: [ "node_modules/(?!pify)" ] to my jest.config.mjs but I am having no luck and going crazy!
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