TBD54566975 – developer.tbd.website


Allowlist for PFIs

Cheers to keeping with the times, @chrisgiglio! Inclusivity, including the language we use, is a principal pillar of the open source program. https://developer.tbd.website/open-source

Application Creator

Application Creator - A system for bootstrapping app development in tbDEX and Web5

Required Reviewers

Required Reviewers

Connect Your GitHub Account to Netlify

Connect Your GitHub Account to Netlify

Build Warnings and Questions

Build Warnings and Questions

Retro on Broken Builds

Retro on Broken Builds 🧵

Web5 0.8.3 Release

Thread for Phase 5 - next Web5 release on developer.tbd.website

OSSF Scorecard

Still to be inspected and configured; I've installed the OSSF Scorecard as a GitHub Action into the Dev Site repo. There's now a badge on the README showing the latest report run (triggered on every commit). It generates a report like: https://securityscorecards.dev/viewer/?uri=github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website...

Test Strategy for Examples

Oh awesome! Let's break off a thread here on testing and see how far we get - maybe we don't need a call. And I'll read through the Slack link; thanks!

Google Calendar Integration

Google Calendar integration stuff - I got is working E2E with the Google account, kinda. 😛 ``` node . Upcoming 10 events:...

Frontend OSS Icons

Any of y'all front-endey folks have an account for getting free / OSS icons? Looking for a shopping cart one to point to tbd.shop in the footer of developer.tbd.website, alongside the Twitter/Discord/etc ones. @kirah (tbd) @dayhaysoos-tbd @leordev @blackgirlbytes @AceKYD...

Web5 0.8.0 PR

Hi y'all - I've got a couple of Drs appointments today, and keeping an eye on upgrade things here. @dayhaysoos-tbd is working on a Dev Site PR for the upgrade. It'll contain:...

Reducing Maintenance Burden

Reducing Maintenance Burden I think we all did a great job at pulling various pieces of code samples and docs together as they came available into the dev site. It's an appropriate time now after the Tech Preview launch to do some tech and process debt payoff. @dayhaysoos-tbd and I talked through one pain point in particular - the amount of work necessary to do a Web5 upgrade. As we proceed, this is only going to become a bigger problem the more docs we introduce - for Web5, for SSI, etc. So here's our thinking about slimming that process. It's in 4 Phases:...

Phase 4 Async Retro - BTC Miami and Web5 Tech Preview

Phase 4 - BTC Miami and Web5 Tech Preview Async Retrospective Hi, all. After last week I've put some thoughts together I'd like to share, and invite everyone to do the same. There's a lot of good - we delivered! And I've been hearing we all see some room for improvement, which is a really healthy position to be in. We all care, and we all want to develop a strong open source presence for TBD, for Web5, and our community. My goal remains: a model open source program for the industry. Would love to hear what's on your mind in this thread; as always, it gives us clarity around what we should improve....

Community Feedback

Feedback on Building Applications with Web5 and developer.tbd.website

Open Source Playbook

Start of thread for The TBD Open Source Playbook 🤘🏻

Phase 4 - BTC / Miami

Lots to share today, y'all. All in service of driving clarity as early into the Phase as we can, so please have a read. 🙂 I'm about to update the Project Board (https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/9) with some high-level priorities for Phase 4 - BTC Miami 🏖️ . Met with @techgirl1908 and @csuwildcat today to scope, and we can all meet in refinement tomorrow to review and get DRIs everything they need. Appreciate all the feedback in our last retro (thanks @kirah_s!). Based on that, some improvements coming:...

Quickstart code

Quickstart code Sup, y'all - pulling together some convos w/ me, @dayhaysoos-tbd and @drousso - The Quickstart (https://developer.tbd.website/docs/web5/quickstart) code may be wrong, @drousso ?...

And we re in tbdiscussions going over it

And we're in #tbdiscussions going over it live