TBD12mo ago

Web5 0.8.3 Release

Thread for Phase 5 - next Web5 release on developer.tbd.website
90 Replies
ALR12mo ago
From retro, we've put some work into centralizing all info on a release. The next release of Web5 and its downstream consumption into the dev site is called Phase 5 - it's tracked here on this GitHub Project: https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/11 Right now there are several "create tests" kinds of issues there to get everything automated. By midday tomorrow, that list will be complete thanks to the inventory work being done by @dayhaysoos-tbd @techgirl1908, @blackgirlbytes, @AceKYD - have a look and definitely feel free to assign or reassign DRIs to these issues. The goal should be - once the "Phase 5" view of that board is clean, that means we're ✅ to release. As the next Web5 release is prepped by @frankhinek and team, those tasks will also appear on this board. Also from retro, the priority work for now is making sure all the testing-related issues are handled, so we have things in the automated suite and limit our back and forth and manual testing once the new Web5 alpha is ready. 🤘🏻
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ALR12mo ago
@dayhaysoos-tbd set a call for us tomorrow to walk through the full inventory of untested or stale things. Super important we get these covered in time for the next release - so let's talk through it! https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/12 There are ~23 issues to cover, and we have about a week to do it. All hands on deck 🙂 @AceKYD and @blackgirlbytes please have a look and assign yourselves as you see fit! @dayhaysoos-tbd thought it'd be good if he was on hand to pick some up too and help y'all with coordination; he's got the history for all this.
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ALR12mo ago
Def don't wait on the meeting tomorrow to dig in! We're on hand to answer any Qs Once you assign issues to yourself, you'll be able to see only your stuff using this view: https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/10 The tabs at the top should help you; they're built-in filters I applied
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EbonyL❤12mo ago
Thanks Nick!! 🙌🏾
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ALR12mo ago
Guys I caught the stream and it was a lot of fun to watch! Totally wanna do one
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ALR12mo ago
Thanks for all the attention to the testing stuff - and props to Nick for guiding us all there. Promise it’s gonna be the thing that makes everything smooth for us and the folks using our stuff
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ALR12mo ago
@dayhaysoos-tbd I wonder about the branch protections requiring PRs being up to date. Lemme know if we need to relax those as you get ready for merges
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ALR12mo ago
Cool let’s look in scoping today
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ALR12mo ago
Yeah we need to fix this I may have tightened the screws too much 🤣
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ALR11mo ago
Thanks @techgirl1908! Added to the Project Board for this next release, Phase 5: https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/11 Folks, that board contains all dependent tasks. We've several testing-oriented ones in there. For any we don't get to, we'll have to bump those to Phase 6 - and test manually. Right now we're waiting on a release candidate to run through the acceptance test suites, typically an -alpha release. @frankhinek and team can provide. And tomorrow we have a retro on pushing the acceptance tests closer to the release, so we can discuss there too.
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ALR11mo ago
I'm trying to determine why merging is blocked here @blackgirlbytes - these checks look good to me, except for the couple which aren't running. On it tonight. 🙂
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ALR11mo ago
@blackgirlbytes in your case I think the reason you could merge was conflicts. We saw this with Angie last week too. I think the message from GitHub about merging being blocked is misleading, but that’s why - because we require branches be up to date in protection rules
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ALR11mo ago
Yeah that error message is super unhelpful. We’ve seen it twice now where Angie and Rizel are both like WTF when really they could take the action to rebase, resolve conflicts, and be OK
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ALR11mo ago
Any ideas why? Where I left off last night, all her checks were green. It’s not because of branch protection rules and requiring her PRs be up to date?
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ALR11mo ago
That’s the next thing to check I think. If rebasing her stuff unblocks.
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ALR11mo ago
Oh yes why is that? You are also a CODEOWNER @dayhaysoos-tbd Why is Angie always required?
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ALR11mo ago
You’re even listed first
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ALR11mo ago
When we make PRs, we can’t remove her. So I am looking for why that is - it’s not just CODEOWNER because you’re there too
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ALR11mo ago
OK cool I wanna explore that
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ALR11mo ago
When you review, @dayhaysoos-tbd - can you get them to merge without needing to override the "Merging is blocked" message? It should be clear if the branch is up-to-date
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ALR11mo ago
Thanks @AceKYD - turnaround is going to depend on how much manual time y'all need to validate the areas that aren't tested yet. Where was this call? Yep keep carrying on and I'm knocking out reasons why merging is blocked in parallel, cleared a couple of reasons yesterday But I think it's the up-to-date thing.
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ALR11mo ago
Thanks @dayhaysoos-tbd that’s perfect — thanks for bearing with me through my morning catching up on meetings, Slacks 🙂 Monday! 🤣 This is the problem with Snyk and FOSSA PRs - they update the deps but not package-lock or pnpm-lock. @leordev had the idea that these automated things should raise issues, not PRs - and let project leads handle the impl of them getting fixed
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ALR11mo ago
Seems the build should fail if lock file isn’t up to date, no?
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ALR11mo ago
I think we should ask Snyk. Surely we aren’t the only ones who need to merge bot PRs and have lock files
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ALR11mo ago
Unless you’re def recommending we do a prevent on commit if lock file isn’t updated? You def know better than I about best practices here - lock files are weird to me 🤣
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ALR11mo ago
We've cleared the Project Board for this release, ready for drops from Web5 team: https://github.com/orgs/TBD54566975/projects/10/views/11 @dayhaysoos-tbd is PTO Thurs/Fri. @leordev and I can cover DRI-ing the release while he's out. @frankhinek - Can you advise timing?
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ALR11mo ago
Sweet @frankhinek - whenever you've got a tag/NPM version to kick off, team's ready: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/issues/1033
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ALR11mo ago
Love it - try new stuff and retro and iterate. Thanks @frankhinek !
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ALR11mo ago
@dayhaysoos-tbd You wanna DRI updating the dev site ticket with Frank's changes? We'll hand off before your PTO and update the template going forward after retro.
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ALR11mo ago
Note Frank has some in-person meetings kicking off tomorrow so his response may be delayed 🤘🏻
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ALR11mo ago
Semver exists for a reason, people! 🤣
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ALR11mo ago
Wait you can’t declare a runtime dependency as a version that consumers will get transitively? They always get newer versions? For my own understanding 🙂 I wanna grok how NPM works with this
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ALR11mo ago
@tshamilov | TBD On it. Try now @tshamilov | TBD ?
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ALR11mo ago
And @leordev's got the ball here for final steps: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/issues/1033 @AceKYD Is it you who'd check off the manual step in that issue for the resolve method? Team, I'm seeing failures locally on main:
Test Files 5 failed | 11 passed | 2 skipped (18)
Tests 9 failed | 48 passed | 3 skipped | 1 todo (61)
Test Files 5 failed | 11 passed | 2 skipped (18)
Tests 9 failed | 48 passed | 3 skipped | 1 todo (61)
Not seeing even where the tests are running on main in GH Actions: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/actions. @leordev - know what's going on?
ALR11mo ago
From the commit:
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ALR11mo ago
Where's the Netlify and tests checks?
ALR11mo ago
They're configured in branch protection on main:
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ALR11mo ago
OOoh, let's fix that. https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/issues/1061 And we can figure in retro later how the passing tests on the branch made main break But for now we have to get main to working passable state. So we have a couple options
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ALR11mo ago
Yep yep yep yep yep
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ALR11mo ago
OK that's evidence enough we need the tighter restrictions we were debating.
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ALR11mo ago
Don't know But here's my recommendation for now
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ALR11mo ago
Let's revert this commit: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/commit/3fc134d4c1adfc7b575de6c8bd3a6ca5ad2b9fcc Which will effectively undo the 0.8.3 merge Then tomorrow we can rebase that change atop main, check tests, and try again
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ALR11mo ago
That way we get the site repo ✅ again and can not firefight at the end of the workday on the East Coast Ha @leordev now you can't self-approve your own PR and everyone else is PTO. I'll override and push this through for us Waiting for the checks to run We're picking up fun fodder for the retro 😄 * Require PRs to be up to date * Run tests and Netlify deploys on main @leordev I reverted. main should be clear - tests passing locally again. Let's try again tomorrow. Have a great evening! Here is the new Draft PR, rebased atop main: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/pull/1063 Something is weird here. The PR test runs look fine: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/actions/runs/7134909907/job/19430647404?pr=1063 Locally when running pnpm test I see failures, so...my environment? Running a different command? Something. Before this PR, tests running locally are clean for me.
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EbonyL❤11mo ago
Hey guys when querying records people are getting this error
cannot read properties of undefined (reading map)
cannot read properties of undefined (reading map)
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EbonyL❤11mo ago
thanks frank i'm going to make the announcement I just have a question normally there are release notes, did you want to add some in, does it happen manually and there are no notes you want to share? or is this good to link as is?: https://github.com/TBD54566975/web5-js/releases/tag/v0.8.3
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EbonyL❤11mo ago
ok perfect thanks, I'll wait
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ALR11mo ago
Yep I believe this is the commit that did it: https://github.com/TBD54566975/developer.tbd.website/commit/3bacceff75c1c650cce0a5571b55256131cceebf Which has a commit message about being an RC but it's really the 0.8.3 upgrade
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