


Open Source Community by Novu




Writing dynamic workflow template based on digest count

In the Novu docs (, the digest engine page describes how it is a common use case to show the number of notifcations in the digest, the example given is "John and 5 others liked your photo." However it's not clear how this can be achieved in Novu and avoid the edge case where if the digest has one notification in it. In the example above, suppose there was one like on a photo, how can we author a template that says "John liked your photo". Similarly how would you avoid the pluralisation problem: "1 person liked your photo" instead of "3 people liked your photo". It seems like handlebars doesn't have support for this kind of logic. ...

Postmark email issue

Hi guys, I've noticed an issue with sending emails using Postmark. When I setup Postmark as the email provider, I do receive the 'Checking Integration' initial email and notice it getting sent via our network correctly. However, using the very simplest workflow with a basic email, no parameters whatsoever, the email does not get sent and I instead receive the following error.

get info whether credentials are stored or not

we are using python sdk and self hosted novu, is there away to pull updated subscriber specific credentials. For slack integration novu will manage updating credentials but how can application know that its updated. by @prathap_14114...

No cc and bcc support for email

Hello , I have integrated sendgrid provider and I am trying to send email . I passed cc and bcc parameter in the payload but while setting maildata you are not setting cc and bcc . #bug #💬│support @Pawan Jain...

Unable to see widget page!

- Cloned repo and ran it using Jarvis but unable to see widget as i want to use Notification Center on port 4500 - The links for prod or dev also not showing anything - || - Please guide me to preview Notification center widget...

AWS Deploy

I deployed AWS on an ec2 box to test this out. Attached both the error and the .env file. When I deployed I can access it locally just fine, but the problem is that I cannot register as it's trying to access localhost. What .env var should I change for that?...
No description

Novu functionality suddenly changed today?

Within the past 6 hours, some functionality within my app that relies on Novu suddenly changed—specifically the notificationTemplates within the novu sdk stopped including the field "id", instead it has only the field "_id". I have tests that run pretty frequently against Novu that stopped working 6 hours ago which points to this change. But not sure of the timing—can someone point me to when this change was made?

Is it possible to upsert subscriber information e.g. e-mail, first name and last name?

We're using the identify method to create Novu subscriptions, but we won't have captured details such as first and last name by that point. Inlining this into the triggers doesn't seem to upsert these details, which would be useful for templates. Is it possible to upsert these details, or is there another approach to syncing these details?

Change In App novu brand color

Hi! Hello! I've been unsuccessfully trying to change the default color of the highlighted elements in the In-App component, namely, the notification bell circle, the border of the notification list, or the circle indicating the number of notifications (attached image 1). I've tried unsuccessfully through CSS inheritance or by changing the options in the Brand section of the dashboard (attached image 2). Thank you....
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Novu setup or upgrade to latest version(0.18.0)/(0.16.0) is not working correctly.

we are tried to upgrade to 0.16.0 and 0.18.0 we messed up the things with migration and replacing mongodb data etc so we decided to fresh new setup of novu using docker compose, 0.13.0 is working fine but not 0.16.0 and 0.18.0. with all the 3 versions UI is up, able to sign up and create workflows, add provider etc but actual trigger with test workflow is not working , we are not getting mail , activity feed is not updating.
Is there any special configuration needs t0 be done for 0.16.0 and 0.18.0?...

Activity feed totals incorrect

It appears that the totals on the Activity Feed page are incorrect. After running for a couple of weeks in production, the total shows as ~700 but if I total up the columns it comes to much more. Is this an issue or are the totals counting something else?
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Novu GO, missed setCredentials

It looks like there is no setCredentials method in the Novu GO implementation? Or maybe I'm not looking there? We want to connect a Nova user with a One Signal user...

I am facing below error at self hosting Novu on prod

Environment: production Platform: Docker Tenant: OS Selected Log Transport None ...

HTML being rendered as text in email message

I am using the #each iterator to loop through an array. When using the following code, the A HREF html portion get renderesd as text in the email, not as HTML. How would I need to change the following template snipped: {{#each domains}} <a href="{{domain}}">{{domain}}</a><br/> {{/each}} ...
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InMemory Cluster Error

I'm getting the following connection error with the [email protected]
{"level":50,"time":1693409349835,"pid":18,"serviceName":"@novu/worker","serviceVersion":"0.17.1","platform":"Docker","tenant":"OS","context":"InMemoryCluster","msg":"There has been an error in the InMemory Cluster provider client"}
{"level":50,"time":1693409349835,"pid":18,"serviceName":"@novu/worker","serviceVersion":"0.17.1","platform":"Docker","tenant":"OS","context":"InMemoryCluster","msg":"There has been an error in the InMemory Cluster provider client"}

Self-hosted migration scripts in docker

Hi all! We have self-hosted Novu in docker (docker-compose). In the description of version 0.18 states that we have to execute the migration script. npm run migration:primary-provider What is the correct way to do it in docker-compose instance of Novu....

Receiving feeds with messages

I would like the requests to receive messages to also contain information about feeds

Remove Novu Branding

Hey guys! I'm trying to help the company where I work to chose the best plan for them, so I have a question about the item "Remove Novu Branding". Where I can see the Novu Branding in notifications? At the first time, we will send e-mails only. Is it possible see the branding on it? Tks...