Self-Host: Triggering workflow to topic subscribers doesn't work
But in all cases in .env
files it is set to true
and feature still doesn't work....What is diffrence on main branch and next branch?
Is Tenant Structure supported on self-hosting?
Which one is the latest version of diagram that you guys support?
Handle delete topics
Items from development not being seen in production after promoting the changes
Used variables in step are not shown
Create subscriber via API
Trigerring workflow with topic not working.
Triggering workflow to topic subscribers doesn't work.
which is just simply sending mails. I've tested it and I'm receiving mails when I'm triggering it to single subscriber, but it doesn't work when I try to trigger that to the topic.
First I created the topic like so:
const createdTopic = await this.novu.topics.create({...React Native Custom Implementation
Delete Bulk messages. Sort messages
Connection to MongoDB closes occasionally in self-hosted novu
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novu-java sdk: Trigger workflow to a topic
customize workflow steps digest
What is the socketUrl for account in EU?
if my account is in EU. This should be mentioned in the quick start guide.
Now it works but not real time, every new notification need a full refresh app in order to see, so I guess I also need to specify the socketUrl
for it?...Tentans or Topics
Bad hostname in SES Email integration Provider