


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Class "Filament\Forms\Components\Datepicker" not found

Hello, I am setting up a new installation. I installed all the packages on the server using composer install. However, I am getting the error mentioned in the title. What can I do? php:8.3 ubuntu:22.04...
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Sidebar not collapsible anymore, content moves behind it

For some reason that I don't seem to grasp, the sidebar is no longer collapsible on my app panel. even though it is configured to be so and was before (don't know exactly when it changed). Also, the content moves behind the sidebar, which I don't think happened before and ideally should not happen (especially if not collapsible). Yes, I removes the resources/views/vendor folder. Anyone else encounter this or has any idea what the reason might be? Did cache clear, asset rebuilding, update of filament and npm packages, all the works, no change. Same thing locally, on stage and on prod....
I thinks there's a css changes that made this behavior since the described style is the default mobile style, maybe breakpoint changed or custom them conflicts, check the styles in the dev tools and your tailwindcss config file
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Datepicker view changes

Is there a way to show years and then when clicked on it show month and then the actual calendar in datepicker, instead of opening the month calendar when we click on it ?

Using model without database

Is it at all possible to do this Is it at all possible to use a model that isn't backed by the database within Filament resources? I am implementing a user management system for LDAP, using ldaprecord package. This supplies models, which have all the functions of an eloquent model, except they're obviously not database backed. Is it at all possible to achieve this simply using resources, rather than custom pages, or am I going to have to do custom pages to achieve this?...

How to show Filament Notification on unsavedChangesAlerts?

Hello, Is there a way to show Filament Notification when there is an unsaved change in the form? Also my client is asking to highlight the fields which are changed when there is an unsaved event, is it even possible? Thank you...

Error upload image

Any one can help me, i failed to upload image when website in staging server?
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Preview step after entered the data

use Filament\Forms\Components\MarkdownEditor; use Filament\Forms\Components\TextInput; use Filament\Forms\Components\Toggle; use Filament\Forms\Components\Wizard\Step; ...

Executing code after record is created in Resource class

I have UserResource with form() method to define create/edit modal & table with action() with EditAction::make(). I also have a permissions checkboxes defined in the form with CheckboxList() and the data is stored in an external DB table. I need when a user is created, to call a method, like $record->syncPermissions($data['permissions']); to assign these permissions....

getNavigationParentItem always visible

Is it possible to have public static function getNavigationParentItem(): ?string always visible? Right now the sub items only show up when the parent is active.

Sticky Table Column Headers

How can I make the column names header sticky? (after i scrolled down below it, i want it to stick at the top)

Adding actions modal on getHeaderActions

I have some issue when doing this, when i adding Action modals on ViewPage at getHeaderActions() ```php protected function getHeaderActions(): array { return [...

How do I disable "Save Changes" button on Edit Page until there is an actual change on any fields?

A very specific requirement from a client. They want to "gray-out" the "Save Changes" button on the Edit Page until there are actual changes on the field. I have seen the solution to disable the button based on conditions set by me using getSaveFormAction() method, but how do I do it by detecting changes? Thank you in advance!...

How to Access Updated Latitude and Longitude in beforeSave in Filament?

I want to validate the newly input latitude and longitude in Filament before saving the data to the database, using the beforeSave lifecycle method. However, I'm having trouble ensuring that the updated values entered in the form are available in beforeSave. When I dd the data, the latitude and longitude seem to be missing or reflect old values. How can I ensure that the latest latitude and longitude values from the form are properly sent and accessible in beforeSave? Has anyone encountered a similar issue?...
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dd($details); [] // app\Filament\Resources\EntreeResource.php:59...
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Documentation Bug

We're having some issues with Impersonation (using the lab404/laravel-impersonate package). Our system is partly Filament, but some pages are still pre-filament (vanilla Laravel pages with blad). The issue we're having is when clicking Stop Impersonate from a Filament page, something goes wrong and you get logged out....

How to theme using SCSS?

I followed this guide to create a custom theme. How ever it does not work with scss. How can I enable ?...

breadcrumb never disappear completely

Dear, why the last part of the breadcrumb of my resource never disappear? (screenshot) Also if I did this in my resources ```...
I think you would need to do something like: ```php public function getBreadcrumbs(): array {...
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I have 3 widgets but not rendering in dashboard Delfault
if you are optimizing Filament you should run
php artisan filament:optimize-clear
php artisan filament:optimize-clear
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How can I render the badge with only the icon (no text)?

``` Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('transaction.state') ->label('State') ->badge() ->color(fn (string $state): string => match ($state) {...
why not IconColumn ?

please, can you help me for add tags for RichEditor?

I want to custom RichEditor and add method ->tags(['tag1','tag2']