


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


How to send parameter to CreateAction?

I have a dinamic page to list Questions Models based by url query string altering query on table like this: ``` return $table ->query(function () {...

had some issue with admin panel login

I'm trying to login to my admin page but faced this issue, for unknown reason, I tried several solutions but none solve the issue help is much appreciated 🙏...
it seems to be issue with my machine itself, tried the same branch in another machine it worked fine, I'm gonna close this thread
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UploadFile error

Hello , i need some help, i can t upload a file or photo. I receive "error during upload" and in consol server response 500.

Filepound stop working

I have filepound on a custom page this page is a chatroom so the user can send image by using filepound the main problem that when the user click on send btn its update the database as excepected but filepound stop working and i guess the probelm is when the filement update the blade it doesnt re run the scripts so anyone now how to handle that


Table Export Action Format Columns

Hello - does anyone know if it is possible to configure the column format in Filament\Tables\Actions\ExportAction? I am trying to export a list of items (name and barocde). The barcodes contain enough digits that Excel will automatically convert some of them to something like 1.23456E11. I have tried modifying the ->state() and ->formatStateUsing() to return strings but that has not worked. I have also tried using ->words() in the hope it would convert the column to text, but that did not work either. Is there a way to set the entire column to text to prevent this? Thank you!...
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I need to localize Relation Manager tab

Hello guys. I need to change tab text of relation manager
```php protected static ?string $title = 'xxx'; // or ...
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Filament favicon is not embedded via https

Hello everyone. I use the directive ->favicon(asset('/images/favicon.png')) in my panel. When I call my panel in the local environment, the favicon is provided and included as expected. On my prod server (on, however, the favicon is strangely included via Http, although the entire app is provided via HTTPS. All other assets (CSS, JS, laravel and filament) are included relative or via absolute path with HTTPS. ...
Try modifying the ASSET_URL env var. If that doesn't work try adding a force HTTPS in a service provider depending on your apps environment.

Problems with sharing a resource form with relation manager

I've set up my relation manager to share the resource form but it does not seem to call the mutateFormDataBeforeCreate function in the create resource class.

pxlrbt-excel(I am using different roles based on need to export the column fromTable)

I am using the export feature in Filament v2 where I have specified 'fromTable'. However, I need to display the text column based on the user's role. It appears correctly, but it is not functioning as expected with that column. Are there any possibilities in Filament to make a column visible or to use any other condition? ExportAction::make() ->label(trans('app.students.header_action.export_excel')) ->exports([...

I get the error filament import does not exist. I'm using the latest package of filament “filament/filament”: “v3.2.114”, when I want to use the import I linked above, Method Filament\Actions\ImportAction::table does not exist. I get this error....
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Wizard customize previous action

I want to customize the previous action when using the Filament Wizard. I would like to fire a Livewire event when the button is pressed. Using ->previousAction to override the current action seems not possible. I guess the action is handled internally by Filament. Is is possible to know when a user pressed the 'previous' button?

How do i set default image in FileUpload ?

How do I set the default image in the fileupload form component? or can i show the default image while file upload ? ```<?php Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('company_logo') ->label('Company Logo') ->image()...

Wizard step next button always showing loader

I'm using Filament form in custom Livewire component. Everything works as expected but Wizard step next button always showing loader

connect 2 widget data

I have 2 widget, datepicker widget and supplier widget. i want to when i choose some start date and end date in datepicker widget i want to filter data by this date in supplier widget. this is how my widgets looks like. if u want i can also share u my code. code files looks like this: DatePickerWidget.php, SupplierWidget.php, and blade.php for datepicker.
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Dropdown items Sidebar

Is it possible to put certain Resources as a dropdown item for a min resource item? for example, im making a wordpress based CMS and i have Post and Category now i want the Category resource as a dropdown item under Post How would i do something like that?...


Is there a way to change background color of topbar or sidebar with renderHooks or something related?
Create custom theme and then target .fi-sidebar-nav or any other and change the bg-color

Trouble with Attach (Detach works)

I'm new to Filament, so this may be obvious, but I've got a simple many-to-many relationship set up and working. It's a "Family" that can have one or more "Person", and a "Person" can belong to more than one "Family". Pardon the funky plurals here. I'm still trying to figure out how Laravel likes these to be done. My issue is that when I go to Attach a record to a Person who belongs to a Family, the Attach box comes up, but the pulldown is blank. However, the Search window can be typed in, and it pulls up real data. I can pick from the data (People) and attach the record. See enclosed pic. The tables are tiny (about 50 rows of fake data. So all of this kinda works, but there are two issues:...
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Run a javascript function when table is redrawn

I have an external tool that adds tooltips to links when a page loads. The problem is, if Filament re-orders or filters the rows, thus updating the page content, the links vanish when the content is re-drawn. I found a function in the tool to trigger the modification of links, but I now need to know how I can have that javascript function run after filament updates the table contents....