


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Actions in table column view not triggering

Hi, TLDR; Action in table ViewColumn doesn't do anything when clicked I've got a ManageRelatedRecords page - lets call it "Activity". On my activity page I have a table that displays rows of items that can be of different types. One of the columns is a ViewColumn and depending on the type, it shows different content in the view....
This might be stupid, but can you rename your action to Action::make('viewMoreDetails') ?

Wizard reset form

Is it possible to reset form for specific step in filament form wizard if I decide to leave and go back?

Global authorization on Laravel model level

I have two Laravel models: Web and WebOffer. For WebOffer i have Filament WebOfferResource. For WebOfferResource, there is great way to using authorization via Policy as described at and basically i can easily define who can create WebOffer via implementing WebOfferPolicy#create() and that is all (Filament will do the rest). What if i would like to protect creating Web model which doesn't have any Filament Resource counterpart and which is created in WebOfferResource's "create" form ? Would it be good idea to create Laravel model Policy WebPolicy and Laravel's Observer like following: ``` class WebObserver {...

Error when making filament-user

i want to make a new user, but i encounter this error SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "updated_at" of relation "web_users" does not exist LINE 1: insert into "web_users" ("email", "updated_at", "created_at"... ^ (Connection: pgsql, SQL: insert into "web_users" ("email", "updated_at", "created_at") values ([email protected], 2024-10-18 11:43:42, 2024-10-18 11:43:42) returning "id")...

Dynamic default repeater fields

For an application I am making a custom field which in essence is a repeater, a model can have custom fields which are configured in the config file. I want to load these fields as default in a repeater, how would I do this dynamically? I see that there is needed a list instead of an associative array for the default value, this is just somehow not possible I think?...
The repeater’s schema is just an array of form components- you can load your config and build your array dynamically before assigning it to the form schema.

Table Split seems broken?

Latest version - no matter what I try it places elements in the wrong order. The last object in the array appear as the second item.
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Dynamically Populate Batch Number Select Based on Product Selection in Filament

Hi everyone,👋 I’m trying to populate a Select field for batch_number based on the selected product_id in Filament. I want the batch_number select to be dynamically updated after a product is chosen. Here’s the code I’m working with: ``` Select::make('product_id')...
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How have EditPage works both as modal and a page

I have this edit page, i do not want to comment the edit route in resource because i need it somewhere, but somehow in my custom livewire page i want also open this edit page as modal when click a button, instead of makeing a new livewire page with modal, how can i open the native edit page modal of filament?

how to properly show resource list with join or relation

I need to only show companies where user have access to in the list/table I tried doing this ```php...
```php public static function getEloquentQuery(): Builder { if (auth()->user()->hasRole('super_admin')) { return parent::getEloquentQuery();...

my filament resource when i enter value its not saving in db and have error

this is my error ` SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'value' doesn't have a default value INSERT INTO translations (alias, updated_at, created_at) VALUES (fafafafa, 2024-10-18 09:11:24, 2024-10-18 09:11:24) f but im enter value this is my code ```...

ExportAction: Route [login] not defined error

Hello everyone, I use bulk ExportAction in resource. Everything works normally, from notifications to downloading the file. The file is created, the data comes in the structure I want. But when I try to download the file, I get the error that appears in the attachment. I am using a different model as the user model. I have also completed the steps for the manipulation in the migration file. Has anyone experienced this issue before? If so, what are your solutions? Thank you in advance....
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protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Settings'; doesn't work

when i use this it shows that there is a group item on the left but when clicked nothing happens

FileUpload multi-node

I have set up a FilamentPHP v2 & v3 application on a multi-node Docker architecture without shared volumes between the containers. For file uploads, I am using S3, as my containers do not have persistent local volumes. However, I am encountering an issue: files are not always uploaded correctly. This problem becomes more frequent as I add more nodes to the cluster. This behavior seems to be related to how file uploads are handled in a multi-node environment, since everything works fine when I only use a single node. Here are my assumptions based on my observations: 1. Initial upload: When a user uploads a file, it might be temporarily stored on the node that received the request....

Filament Table Text Column action not firing

I have a Filament table widget, in which I do a semi complex query to fetch some grouped data: ```php public function table(Table $table): Table {...

Filament Teams with Some Multi-Tenancy Features

Is it possible in Filament multitenancy to have a super admin who can access the site, create teams, and assign admins to members? Essentially, the super admin wouldn’t need to create a team upon first login.

Customization beyond themes and css

This may be a dumb question, but if I wanted to modify the filemament to be different like add a header / footer, sidebar, etc. is this possible to deviate from the vanilla layout? I am looking at plugins and those seem to be useful for widgets, just wondering how far is realistically possible to help this fit in with client sites and ui's. I am evaluating a wholesale switch from other CSS's to using filament and am anticipating some of the request as a result from clients. Is there any useful resources you can point out that may touch on this? (so far "customzine" has be to css changes only as far as what I've found) Thanks so much - the main site, blogs and tricks are really awesome and am really starting to enjoy Filmanent - and will be getting familliar with many plugins!...

custom 2FA

I have a trait to send otp sms with a provided endpoint that i need use in filament dashboard while logging in. I don't know how can I customize the filament auth to do this, and I tried to use 2FA plugins that support sms but I couldn't customize it to use my trait. note that I'm using the Admin model not the User model as the panel guard...

Is this memory usage normal?

Im new to laravel & filament, and i've been working on this project for a month now and just discovered laravel debugbar, but im seeing memoru usage around 40ish just like in the pic , but i see in this video its memory usage just 3 mb did i do something wrong? my install step : 1. i create-project laravel...
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Logo missing from mobile top bar + navigation(false)

I have a panel which is almost exclusively used on mobile devices, where I remove the navigation with navigation(false). Apparently the panel logo disappears on screen width < 1024. This makes sense when navigation is enabled, as the logo is then moved to the top of the navigation menu. But when navigation is disabled, then the logo still doesn't appear on the mobile top bar. Is this a bug? Or can I easily get the panel to show the logo on the mobile topbar?
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